Magento 2 B2B Registration Form
E-commerce is no longer a blur but a driving force for B2B, and Magento 2 stores must be B2B ready now more than ever.Therefore, Meetanshi developed Magento 2 B2B Registry extension to provide a separate registry for B2B customers.
Admins can approve or deny B2B registrations. A flexible registration form with fields such as company name, business type, VAT or tax ID is available.Everything about the Magento 2 B2B registry module.
Easily manage B2B accounts in your store! Get instant notifications and control over B2B signups!
Benefits of Magento 2 B2B Registry:
- Provide B2B customers with a custom registration form with fields for company name, tax ID, and more.
- Set up a custom URL key for B2B signup forms.
- Display the B2B signup form URL in the top link.
- Display custom text for top link registration URL
- Displays a custom title for the registration form page.
- Option to add a name prefix field to the form.
- Add comma-separated name prefixes.
- Option to display the middle name field in the form.
- Option to add a name suffix field to the form.
- Add comma-separated name suffixes.
- Select additional form fields to display in the registration form.
- Approve or deny B2B registrations.
- Option to assign any client group after creating a new B2B client account.
- Option to disable default Magento 2 registration.
- Choose to automatically approve B2B registrations or do it manually from the admin panel.
- Display a custom message for account creation success or failure
- Admins are notified of new B2B registrations.
- Send notification emails to customers regarding their B2B account approval or rejection and account status.
- The customer grid lists B2B signup forms with an approved status. Account approval can be done by editing this grid or by using bulk actions.
- Add comma-separated email IDs for administrators.
- Option to select the same email sender and template.
Magento 2 B2B Registration Form [Free Download]
Magento 2 B2B Registration Form [Nulled]
Plugins ยป Magento Extensions