iTest - Online Quiz & Examination System


Online exam
Online exam question management


Advanced dashboard with several great stats and widgets

question bank

Admin or teacher can manage question bank

problem level

Admin or teacher can manage question level

question group

Admins or teachers can manage question groups

Online exam

Admin or teacher can manage online exams

Online Exam Instructions

Admin or teacher can manage online exam instructions

Take the test

Students can take exams online from the panel there

student information

Manage and track all student information

Parent Information

Manage and track all parent information

Faculty Information

Manage and track all teacher information

Incident management

Privileged users can announce events

Notification management

Privileged users can post notifications

15 different languages

We have translated our system into 15 different languages

Message system

Private and group messaging system for all users


Privileged users can back up data


Administrators can manage every setup option of the system and more from this module system setup

Change log

Version 3.3 (28-02-2021)
- Standardised warning message
- Grammatical sentences correct
- Section feature minor bug solve
Version 3.2 (29-11-2020)
- Add addon feature
- Add online exam question answer report
- Bug fixing online exam feature
Version 3.1 (26-11-2019)
- Notification alert improved
- Conversation/Message Bug fixed                                    
- Question bank minor bug fixed
- Online exam minor bug fixed
- Take exam minor bug fixed
- Profile minor bug fixed
- Signin minor bug fixed
- Other Bug Fixing
Version 3.0 (13-03-2019)
- Auto-update
- Email setting
- Payment setting
- Codeigniter 3.1.9 version update
- Online exam minor bug fixed
- Question bank minor bug fixed
- Teacher minor bug fixed
- Take exam minor bug fixed
- Profile minor bug fixed
- Student profile update
- Parents profile update
- Update feature updated
Édition 1.0 (15-09-2017)
- Initialize release


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iTest - Online Quiz & Examination System [Free Download]
iTest - Online Quiz & Examination System [Nulled]
PHP Scripts

  • Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, LESS, PHP, SQL
  • Software Framework: CodeIgniter
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x