Gourmet - Restaurant And Food Theme

Free Download Gourmet – Restaurant And Food Theme


Change log

V 1.4.7
Security bug fix.

v 1.4.6
WordPress 5.x and Gutenberg full compatibility.
PHP 7.2+ full compatibility.
Plugins update to latest version.

v 1.4.5
New feature: checkbox for contact form
New feature: set sections background position
New feature: new CSS class "Shadow" 
New feature: pricing table button style option
New feature: custom separator char for counter component
New feature: text list component animations
New feature: scroll box gradient overlay and top/bottom position classes
New feature: custom title and text size content box component
Update: support of Lists - Post Types components for classic mode posts
Update: removed WordPress admin layout change on small screens
Bug fix: drag and drop issues
Bug fix: copy and paste feature bugs
Bug fix: post's author name
Bug fix: Woocommerce shop archive page
Bug fix: blog and Lists - Post Types various fixes of the following archives: main, category, tag, monthlyear, author
Bug fix: font family settings on theme options panel (Safari only bug)
Bug fix: search results excerpt
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix
Bug fix: boxed and transparent option on page setting 

v 1.4.4
New feature: SMTP support for contact form component. Go to Theme options > Social and API
New feature: fullpage custom anchor links for horizontal sections (slides)
New feature: fullpage links compatibility to navigate between sections and slides
Update: font Awesome update to version 4.7
Update: update to all arrows (lightbox gallery, fullpage arrows, sliders, menus) now created with only the CSS without icons
Bug fix: translation strings
Bug fix: breadcrbumbs for category and tags pages

v 1.4.3
New feature: post informations for classic mode and theme forest review process 
New feature: shortcode support for footer content
Bug fix: author archive
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix
Bug fix: infinite loop of some shortcode of external plugins like Woocommerce

v 1.4.2
Design update: new UI design, admin and page builder
Feature update: removed components: Page popup and Page Lightbox. Now available as separated options
Feature update: new Twitter stream plugin, users need to set the keys from the options panel
New feature: full area links for content box components 
New feature: manual demo importing option
New feature: removed component: Background icon
New feature: change items order of table, icon list, icon list advanced, text list components
Bug fix: animation for List - Post Type box types: side icon and top icon
Bug fix: button lightbox content settings saving
Bug fix: various back-end and front-end bugs fix

v 1.4.1
Feature update: masonry menu now remove automatically empty categories and categories assigned to all items
Bug fix: social share button
Bug fix: wordpress pagination next and previous buttons
Bug fix: contact form subject and sending

v 1.4
New feature: copy and paste components on the fly
New feature: contact form now use wp_email and is compatible with WP Mail SMTP By WPForms
New feature: search show featured image of the pages, post and woocommerce products, the image can be hidden on single page from theme options
New feature: two blocks section boxed layout
New feature: icon boxes left layout
New feature: tab titles with description text
New feature: tab size for vertical menu
New feature: admin layout with auto columns for sliders components
New feature: outer menu position for masonry
New feature: new text list component style
Feature update: admin images now are showed always correctly 
Bug fix: logo retina on middle logo menu and top logo menu
Bug fix: logo on middle logo menu transparent version
Bug fix: minor bugs fixed on various components

v 1.3
New feature: custom theme options for single post or page
New feature: image coverflow container now 5 new features
New feature: fullPage anchor menu links
New feature: new style for text lists
New feature: new extra content for content box component
New feature: bleed option for parallax titles
New feature: Post type boxes title sizes
New feature: Woocommerce menu cart
New feature: Woocommerce support for breadcrumbs
New feature: Contact form button styles
Bug fix: lot's of minor bugs has been fixed

v 1.2
New component: breadcrumbs
New component: steps
New feature: button style for image box, content box and Lists components
New feature: white option for title
New feature: smooth scroll
New feature: new options for Lists components
New feature: new options for Slider components
New feature: border style buttons
New feature: scroll to top button
New feature: breadcrumbs for the titles
New feature: new css classes list for the composer
New feature: improved layout for the composer
Bug fix: lot's of minor bugs has been fixed

Does not include images and videos from the demo site.

Gourmet – Restaurant And Food Theme [Free Download]
Gourmet – Restaurant And Food Theme [Nulled]

WordPress » Restaurants & Cafes

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