CoursePlus - Online Learning Management System (LMS)


CoursePlus is a full-featured Learning Management System (LMS) made using the Codeigniter PHP framework. This LMS system is very easy for students and teachers to use.Teachers can create courses for free and get income from students. The administrator will get a certain percentage from the instructor on a per-sale basis for each course.Students can pay via PayPal and Stripe to register for classes.


The important features of this script are:

  1. Attractive, simple and easy-to-use interface
  2. 100% responsive layout
  3. Clean and fresh code
  4. strong security
  5. Protected page access error
  6. Free Student Registration with Email Verification
  7. The same user can be a student and a teacher with one account
  8. Easy installation on the server
  9. Forget admin panel options
  10. Reset password option in admin panel
  11. Forgot user panel options
  12. Reset the password option of the user panel
  13. Income set up by admin
  14. Payment Gateway Integration (PayPal and Stripe)
  15. Admin sets unlimited withdrawal methods for instructors
  16. Unlimited course categories add, delete, admin edit
  17. Unlimited withdrawal methods are added, deleted, and edited by the administrator
  18. Infinite slider add, delete, edit by administrator
  19. Administrators unlimited add, delete, edit FAQs
  20. Unlimited functions add, delete, and edit by the administrator
  21. Unlimited course additions, deletions, teacher edits
  22. Unlimited chapter and course additions, deletions, teacher edits


URL de interfaz:


Teacher and student login URL:


Username: Administrador @gmail. com
Password: 1234

Inicio de sesión del profesor

Username: Mentor @gmail. com
Password: 1234

student login

Username: students@gmail. com
Password: 1234



  1. Jquery
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Awesome fonts
  4. Administrator LTE


Version: 1.4 (16 December, 2020)

1. Replaced ckeditor with summernote editor
2. Preloader on/off option added

Version: 1.3 (30 April, 2020)

Minor bug fixed in the instructor fund withdraw page form.

Version: 1.2 (27 April, 2020)

1. Added User section in admin panel.
2. Added Student section in admin panel.
3. Added Instructor section in admin panel. 

Version: 1.1 (07 April, 2020)

1. Implemented bank information as a new payment method.
2. Added course content view option in the user dashboard.
3. Bank payment manually approved system added in admin panel.

Version: 1.0 (07 January, 2020)

Initial Release.

CoursePlus - Online Learning Management System (LMS) [Free Download]
CoursePlus - Online Learning Management System (LMS) [Nulled]
PHP Scripts

  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL
  • Software Framework: CodeIgniter
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x