Download Latest WP Rentals v3.13.1 Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme
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WP Rentals is a unique WordPress discussion theme
With over 150 theme options and 20 price options, as well as 10 pre-built demos, this theme gives you everything you need to create and make money from a successful rental business.Easily sync your availability calendar with other platforms like Airbnb, HomeAway, and more.
Our themes are up to dateSCA Regulations for Stripe Payments in Europe. We also allow customers to enable WooCommerce and their merchantsProcess booking payments via WooCommerce.Instant booking deposits paid through WooCommerce do not require user login.
WpRentals can be translated into any language and can be used as a multilingual website with third-party plugins such as Weglot or WPML.
Include translation:
Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Turkish, Romanian.Please note that translations may require editing.
- nuova demo
- Property search form builder for Elementor
- Lista de categorias do Elementor
- elementor’s sliding widget box
- Check completechangelog
In WpRentals, you can choose different price settings for listings, and you can control which available fields are displayed in the listing submission form:
- prezzo predefinito per notte (o orario),
- Different nightly rates for bookings over 7 days (or custom hourly rates for bookings over 7 hours),
- nightly rates for bookings over 30 days (or hourly rates for over 30 hours),
- You can set different values for 7 and 30 if you want to offer discounted prices below or above 7 and 30 hours
- Prices vary per night (or hourly) on weekends,
- Minimum booking days (or hours),
- price for extra guest,
- Cleaning fee and/or city fee (choice of per night, per guest or per guest and night),
- security deposit,
- tax value,
- Early bird discounts for advance bookings, and more.
Theme supportCustom price per night for a specific periodincluding:
- Custom price per night for bookings of 7+ days or 30+ days. Change 7 and 30 to your values.
- Bespoke prices for weekend evenings
- Minimum number of nights booked for a specific period
- Custom pricing for additional guests
- Custom turnaround days for a specific period
- For booking options, the owner can enable (or disable) the option to calculate the booking fee by number of guests and price per guest
- It is also possible to set the number of transition days (check-in or check-in and check-out transition days)
All of this can be easily tested using the demo account below.
WP Rentals also supports hourly or daily bookings.Check out this demo for hourly bookings – and this new hybrid booking demo: Hourly or Daily –
Demo user access information
username = user
Password = 1234
For each listing, the owner can add his additional booking elements and set a price per night, per guest, as a single charge, or per night and guest for each element.This is managed from the front end submit form – price details.
You can sync your calendar availability/bookings via the Icalendar feed from another iCal-enabled platform and export your list iCal feeds to other websites that are compatible with that system.You can import as many Ical feeds as you want.
Admins receive payment via Paypal, Stripe or wire transfer (offline payment) for posting new listings and/or service fees for each confirmed booking. orENABLE AND USE WOO COMMERCE MERCHANTSProcess admin payments to 150+ merchants.
WooCommerce also supports instant checkout. Demo: .
Each confirmed booking will block the availability calendar and will not allow other bookings for the same period.
General characteristics
Easy to use
Fully responsive and retina ready
SMS notifications from Twilio
Process booking payments with any WooCommerce merchant
Add a custom link to the Book Now form
Includes Bakery Page Builder, Revolution Slider and Ultimate Plugin
Elementor ready widget
Hourly and daily bookings
Virtual tour in property page
Object Rental (book by the hour or by the day)
Flexible booking options for all users
Submit options for selected users only
deposit fee
Service charge/Administrative booking fee
Booking price options for daily bookings
Early Bird Discounts
cleaning fee
city fee
Minimum booking days
Tax Value %
Increase rate per guest or pay per guest
Add additional options to the booking form – single charge, charge per night, charge per guest or charge per guest and charge per night
Custom price for custom period
Manage Turnaround Days
weekend night
Instant booking or owner approval
Ical feed synchronization
Multi-Currency Widget
Title and menu options
Open Street Map and Algolia API Implementation
Hide property address and map location
Optimized Google Maps API Deployment
custom color
Built-in cache system
Infinite sidebar
Translation ready
WPML and Weglot support/compatibility
Detailed function list:
- Based on Bootstrap 3 framework
- Fully responsive
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Modern, clean and intuitive design
- Retina ready
- Include files
- Easy to customize
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Важећа ХТМЛ5 ознака
- Animations CSS3 uniques
- Includes Ultimate Addons for Revolution Slider, WPBakery Page Builder and WPBakery Page Builder plugin. Plugin updates are provided through theme updates.
- Translate themes to any language via poedit
General Theme Features
- Advanced Google Maps integration.
- Auto-fill checks/checkouts/guests on listing pages based on advanced search options and display total charges directly in the booking form
- The List Reservation form supports the following: When sending a reservation request, see the notification that you must log in, use the login modal box to log in/register, save the reservation check-in, check-out and guest values selected before login for easy booking.
- Listing Reservation Form – Minimum Occupancy (based on the number of guests set in the listing). If vacation rentals are enabled.
- List Booking Form – Disables the guest dropdown if object tenancy is enabled.
- Custom list lightbox library with attached images
Параметры Google Карт
- Open the street map for a single listing page
- Ajax search on Google Maps and Half Map page templates (you can also use custom search fields)
- Customize Google Maps colors with snazzymaps. com from admin
- Change the map pin image for each category you add. Includes Retina Pin support
- Price pin for Google Maps listings. Show the full or short version of the price
- Google Places autocomplete for location searches and location submissions On/Off options for searching cities, regions and countries
- Option to use pushpins on demand when enabling or disabling the mobile map in the list listing half-map and advanced search results half-map pages
- Sets the maximum number of list pins to display in the map (for speed management).
- Add your own custom pins for your listing categories and types
- Automatically detect Google Maps if https is enabled
- Google Places displayed on a single listing map (see nearby restaurants, hospitals, etc.)
- YELP API integration to display points of interest around listings
- NEW: Turn on/off Radius search in half map page with control for radius in miles or km, initial radius, min radius and maxim radius.
Admin Options for Theme Appearance
- Create your own pages with WPBakery Page Builder / Ultimaye plugin, including plugin shortcodes and available theme shortcodes
- Splash page with image, image slider or video
- Super menuo
- 5 Media Titles and “Transparent Menu” Options: Image Title with Parallax On/Off, Video Title, Google Maps Title, Rotation Slider Title, List Slider Title, 2 Design Types or No Title
- Video title options for single page title options: manage height controls, full screen controls, overlay color and opacity
- Header image options: height control, full screen control, overlay color and opacity
- custom color management
- Image slider for listing cells in a list with yes/no display controls in theme options
- Displays the menu’s on/off option in the user dashboard.
- Manage global title for owner profile in theme options
- Multicurrency API in theme options. Works with multi-currency widgets, admins can manage/add to any widget area
- 2 header types with different logo alignment
- Custom color management menu
- General design options for headers (header height, sticky header height, border size, border color)
- Option to set footer to 100% width
- Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 (with custom icons and fields) as a design for list cells
- Type 1 or Type 2 as design options for list page layouts. You can use icons and custom fields to list details
- Type 1 or Type 2 as default title advanced search
- NEW: Type 3 or Type 4 as custom advanced search options. Add unlimited search fields, including your custom fields –
- Advanced search form position options (before or after header media, floating mode on header media, sticky search option)
- Option to show list in list list, show list card as list or grid
- Price and currency adjustment
- multi-currency switcher
- Read multiple pin settings from file for quick browsing
- Change font from theme options (with subsets)
- Custom theme slider for admin-managed lists
- Manage/add unlimited custom details to lists. Supported custom fields are text, date, dropdown, or date field types. They appear below the product details, next to the theme default field
- Assign owner to list as admin
- Unlimited list of categories and types
- Can customize your city or region page with your own content
- If using a standard category page, add a custom header image for the city and region
- NEW: Custom Icons support for a listing page, the fields that show before description area.
- NEW: Search form position management: float mode, before header media, after media header and sticky search option.
- NEW: Icon and field management for listing infobox (the one that shows in the map). The icons fields we show by default in the listing infobox can be edited from theme options. You can choose fields from theme default fields, or custom fields you add from theme admin. Choose for each icon from a list of predefined font awesome icons .
- NEW: Property Card type 3 with Icon and field management (the card that shows in lists). You can choose up to 4 fields to show in card type 3 (these will show on the last line). You can choose icons or text for each field label. You can choose from theme default fields or your custom fields
- NEW: Show top bar widget area yes/no for mobile devices
Admin Options for Property Submission Management and Booking Management
- NEW: Show property location as dropdown (you can choose to show city / area are 2 independent dropdowns that populate with categories you add from admin)
- Enable or disable login with Facebook, Twitter and Google
- Enable or disable user registration option to enter password in form or use username and email
- Enable/disable frontend listing submission. Registration is required to send booking requests/private messages.
- NEW: AUTO change from Register modal to Login modal after success register
- NEW: Redirect management after login (keep the user on the same page or specify to which page to redirect)
- Recaptcha ON/OFF for registration form
- Enable or disable option to register users who want to book and those who want to add rental properties separately and control yes/no in theme options
- Admin can only allow specific registered subscribers to have submit option in user dashboard – this also allows topics to be used by 1 single owner
- Add property status for properties with admin-managed tag names (eg: add “Authenticated” status)
- NEW: select what fields to show in submit form from default theme fields or your own cusotm fields and features and amenities
- NEW: select which fields are mandatory in submit form (Guest dropdown is not mandatory). If you allow properties to be added without admin approval, all mandatory fields will need to be filled in before property status changes from pending to published.
- NEW: Select if you wish to show guest dropdown in submit
- NEW: Select if you wish submit to be for object rental (turn label from “night” to day) or vacation rental.
- Admin can choose from admin which are weekends – general settings (Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Saturday or Friday and Saturday and Sunday)
- NEW: Manage the no of months for calendar and no of guests in dropdown from admin – theme options – general settings – appearance
- This theme allows administrators to charge deposit and/or service fees (these can also be 0). Service Fee Webmaster Fee.
- Deposits can be charged as a percentage (from 0 to 100) or a fixed value. Money to Admin Account (PayPal, Stripe or Wire Transfer)
- Option to include fees (city and cleaning fee) when calculating the Manage Booking Fee
- PayPal and Stripe integration. WIre Transfer support is good.
- WOO COMMERCE supports payment processing through WOO Commerce supported merchants
- Membership system controls each package and provides repeat options for pros. personal submission
- or pay-per-list option, with an additional fee, to feature the listing as a submitted listing
- Email management in theme options, where HTML supports img, br, em and strong elements. This allows administrators to edit email notification content.
User/Owner options for listing submission and booking management
- Add custom fields to each list from the details section
- Front-end list submission form
- Front-end list edit form
- Add lists to the Favorites list and manage removing/accessing them from the My Favorites page of the User Dashboard
- Option to disable or enable published listings in User Dashboard – My Listings List
- The submission form includes the price per night and the price before and after the price tag.
- Owners can set longer discounted prices by adding a custom price per day for bookings of 7+ days or 30+ days
- Owners can set custom prices for each day or period by selecting specific dates from the calendar available in price settings
- By guest or night or night and guest plus city fee/cleaning fee
- City fees can also be set to %.
- Listing submission form includes minimum booking days
- Listing submission form includes custom prices for weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday)
- Property submission form includes price per additional guest
- The property submission form includes an option to check to allow more guests to exceed the number of guests added to the property and to charge a fee for each additional guest
- Property submission form includes check option to pay per guest (does not consider property price or custom price)
- Property submissions include the option to force bookings to start a check-in on a specific date or check-in and check-out on a specific date
- Instant booking check option for each property
- Allows each owner to add/edit/delete additional fees per booking: per guest, per night or per night and per guest. These are displayed in the booking form when submitting a booking request.
- Listing submissions support early bird discounts (percentages) and minimum days before discounts.
- Allows the owner to set the tax value (in %) in the submit form. Taxes are considered included in the daily price. They only show up in the owner’s invoice details
- Allows the owner to set the tax value (in %) in the submit form. Taxes are considered included in the daily price. They only show up in the owner’s invoice details
- Send an email reminder to the user that the remaining payment for the reservation is required (cron – 3 days before the reservation starts, or can be sent manually when the owner sends a notification – (up to 3 reminders can be sent manually).Email text is managed by admin from Email Management
- Add images for each attribute and reorder images in submit form by drag and drop
- ICALENDAR Multiple feeds import to sync availability calendars with other platforms that support ICAL feeds. You can also do Icalendar single feed export to other platforms
- The owner has full control over the pin location on the map, which can be set by clicking or using the PIN ADDRESS TO MAP button
- Block certain periods in the property calendar
- Option for owner to cancel booking
- User Dashboard – Provide a global view of all properties and booking dates in one calendar page, set custom prices, mark dates as booked
- Search My Properties in the My Properties, My Bookings, My Bookings pages of the User Dashboard
- Invoices are generated by the subject when a booking request is sent/approved and can be viewed in detail in My Bookings (Owners) or My Bookings (Tenants)
- Detailed invoices are displayed in the user dashboard. print options available
- Internal messaging system between registered users
- Save and delete favorites lists as a registered user
- Booking and Booking Control System in User Dashboard – My Bookings and My Bookings
Additional options specific to the user sending the booking request
- After booking is over, add a comment to each booked listing from the user dashboard
- If you are not logged in and try to send a booking request or DM to the owner, show the login modal in the booking form
- – Save the reservation check-in, check-out and guest selection made on the reservation form on the listing page prior to login/registration for use after user registration.
- – Ability to send messages to owners as registered or unregistered users.
Advanced search options
- Advanced search custom fields support new integrated search types – Type 3 and Type 4.
- Allow Custom Fields: – Unlimited (for types 3 and 4)
- Custom Fields Per Row: Supports 1, 2, 3 or 4 fields per row (for types 3 and 4)
- Support for custom fields (for types 3 and 4): location. It can be an input style with theme autocomplete. It can be an input style for google places autocomplete.Or it can be a dropdown style showing all cities, regions, countries, states and counties in the properties published in the theme database
- Support for custom fields (for types 3 and 4): check in and check out. Always set them in pairs.
- Additional custom fields supported: Guest Number, List Primary and Secondary, List City and Property Area (as separate dropdowns, dropdowns are not reliable), List County, List Status – these are input style fields (they are text field), list countries – this is a drop down list with all countries (list coded in subject).It’s a separate dropdown, bathroom, bedroom and room – 3 default fields that can be listed as inputs or dropdowns.For these, you can choose to display attributes with values less than, equal to, or greater than the value selected in the search.
- Custom fields added from theme options: text, numbers and dropdowns can also be added to advanced search custom fields (for search types 3 and 4)
- Choose which features and amenities to display in the search, these will appear in search types 3 and 4 in the header and in the semi-map filter
- Search Type 4 has 3 default fields that cannot be deleted: Type Key (for property titles), List Primary, and Secondary Type. You can add other unlimited fields from theme options
- The search type 1 and 2 location options can be an input style with theme autocomplete, an input style with google places autocomplete, or it can be all cities, regions, countries, states, and counties that display properties published in the theme Dropdown style database for
- Search types 1 and 2 have default search fields
other options
- WPML Multilingual support for multilingual websites. Note that WPML is a plugin, meaning you can manually translate everything from the admin area, including bookings, messages.
- Multilingual support for the WEGLOT multilingual website
- Launched RentalsClub extension (3rd party software) for Wp Rentals. Extended: SMS notifications via Twilio and payment management. Check more information
- There are a lot more…
Important: Please be sure you check out the demos, and you ask all the questions you wish to know about the theme before purchase (you can use the comment board for all presale questions). Purchases are made by mistake or for features that don’t exist cannot be refunded.
support information
Theme Documentation Help URL -
Private Customer Support System:
Support hours: Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM GMT (European time zone).
Server requirements
PHP 7.0
Change log
Version 3.13.1– December 2024
Update: WpRentals Elementor Plugin to match ELementor 3.26 and fix the errors created by Elementor new requirements
Update: Translation not applying to Search form type 1 and 2 after wordpress 6.7 update
Added: Miles / KM to translation for Radius / Geolocation
Update: WpRentals Elementor plugin to version 3.13.1
Update: WpRentals Core Functionality plugin to version 3.13.1
Update: Elementor free to 3.26.0
Update: WPBakery Page Builder 8.1
Update: Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.19.24
WP Rentals – Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme [Free Download]
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