Woocommerce csv import export plugin - orders, customers, products

WooCommerce CSV import and export plugin helps you quickly bulk import or export product, category, customer or order details.Using export filters, you can extract a list of selective products, categories, customers, and orders in a CSV file. You can set a maximum entry to ensure that data is imported or exported within the limits.The WooCommerce Import Products plugin is powered by the PHP Excel library to speed up import and export operations.

  • Import/export products, categories, orders and customers
  • Export data as CSV file for easy customization
  • Filters for exporting specific types of data
  • Quick import and export with PHP Excel library
  • Configure maximum entries to import/export in each group
  • Import and Export Coupon (New)
  • Import and Export Commodity Reviews (New)

One-click download of required customer data

With the WooCommerce Export Products plugin, you can download customer data from your store using selective attributes.Get a complete list of clients or set filters to get the list of clients you need most. For example, you can extract a list of customers from a specific city, country, or generic name.Add various filters such as First Name, Last Name, Company, Email, Phone, Address, Country, City, State and ZIP Code.

Export orders based on attributes

Using the WooCommerce CSV import/export plugin, you can get a list of orders related to their attributes, such as pending orders or full orders.You can get a complete list of orders or filter specific orders to export.You can configure any or all filters, including order date, order ID, order status, order total, customer name, billing country, shipping country, and product name.

Extract all or specific categories using export filters

The WooCommerce Export Orders plugin is free to export the entire catalog or set filters to extract only what you need once.You can export different product information with numerous filters such as name, description, parent, slug or display type.Set as many filters as you need to extract the correct form of data into the CSV file.

Add filter to export selective products

With the help of WooCommerce Import Products plugin, you can download the complete product list into a CSV file with a single click.Adding filters enables you to export only products with specific information. For example, you can extract products by name, type, or price.Available filters are name, description, SKU, slug, type, featured, price, sale price, category, stock status, date added, length, width, height, weight and quantity.

Import products, categories, customers or orders with one click

Partially import full data for a product, category, customer or order by importing a zip file.The WooCommerce Export Products plugin enables you to have all the required data in your recently created online store.You can bulk import complete products or categories to avoid making mistakes.

Define limits by setting max entries to import or export

You can set a maximum entry to limit importing or exporting data. It allows you to add or extract data in sections.Import a limited number of items, review and approve them, and move on to import more items. Likewise, restrict exporting products or categories to ensure data is accurate and useful.

PHP Excel library to speed up import and export activities

Powered by the PHP Excel library, the WooCommerce Export Orders plugin ensures fast and smooth adding or extracting details from your online store.Whether you're bulk importing categories or products, it can be done with just a few clicks.

Additional Features - WooCommerce CSV import and export

  • Import or export data in bulk
  • Export an easy-to-edit customizable CSV file
  • Import a product or category into your online store as a new product
  • Partially import or export products, categories, customers and orders


1. Can we export products by category?


  • Name
  • Description
  • Parent
  • Slug
  • display type

2. Can we execute orders according to customer name?


  • order date
  • Order number
  • Order Status
  • total order
  • customer name
  • billing country
  • Shipping country
  • product name

3. Can we export customer emails by first name and surname?


  • name
  • surname
  • Company
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Address
  • Country
  • City
  • State
  • zip code

4. Can we export specific categories?


  • Name
  • Description
  • Parent
  • Slug
  • display type

5. Can we export products according to SKU?


  • name and description
  • SKUs and Slugs
  • Types and Features
  • Price and sale price
  • Category
  • Inventory and Product Status
  • date added
  • length width height
  • weight and quantity

Instructions in Dutch

WooCommerce CSV import/export plugin helpt je snel producten, categorieën, klanten of details van je bestellingen te importeren of exporteren.Met exportfilters kunt u een lijst met selectieve producten, categorieën, klanten en bestellingen extraheren in een CSV-bestand.U kunt een maximale invoerwaarde instellen om ervoor te zorgen dat de invoer of uitvoer van gegevens wordt beperkt.De plug-in WooCommerce Import Products wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de PHP Excel-bibliotheek voor snellere import en export.

  • Import en export van producten, categorieën, bestellingen, klanten
  • Exporteer gegevens in CSV-bestanden voor eenvoudige bewerking.
  • Filters voor het exporteren van specifieke soorten gegevens
  • Snel importeren en exporteren met PHP Excel-bibliotheek
  • Configureer de maximale gegevens per groep ingangen of uitgangen

French description

Le plug-in WooCommerce CSV Import Export vous permet d'importer ou d'exporter rapidement en masse les détails d'un produit, d'une catégorie, d'un client ou d'une commande.À l'aide de filtres d'exportation, vous pouvez extraire une liste de produits, catégories, clients et commandes sélectifs dans un fichier CSV.Vous pouvez définir une entrée maximale pour vous assurer que les données sont importées et exportées dans les limites.Le plugin d'importation WooCommerce est alimenté par la bibliothèque PHP Excel pour accélérer les opérations d'importation et d'exportation.

  • Importation et exportation de produits, catégories, commandes et clients
  • Exportez les données vers des fichiers CSV facilement personnalisables.
  • Filtres pour exporter des types de données spécifiques
  • Importation et exportation rapides avec la bibliothèque PHP Excel
  • Configurer le nombre maximum d'entrées à importer/exporter par groupe

Italian Instructions

Il plug-in di importazione ed esportazione CSV di WooCommerce ti consente di importare o esportare rapidamente in blocco i dettagli di prodotti, categorie, clienti o ordini.Utilizzando i filtri di esportazione, puoi estrarre un elenco di prodotti, categorie, clienti e ordini facoltativi in ​​un file CSV.È possibile impostare una voce massima per garantire che i dati vengano importati o esportati entro i limiti.Il plug-in WooCommerce Product Import è alimentato da una libreria PHP Excel che velocizza le operazioni di importazione ed esportazione.

  • Importazione ed esportazione di prodotti, categorie, ordini e clienti
  • Esporta i dati in file CSV facilmente personalizzabili
  • Filtri per l'esportazione di tipi di dati specifici
  • Importazione ed esportazione rapida con la libreria PHP Excel
  • Configura il numero massimo di voci per importazione/esportazione di gruppo

Spanish Instructions

El complemento de importación/exportación CSV de WooCommerce lo ayuda a importar o exportar rápidamente detalles de productos, categorías, clientes o pedidos.Con los filtros de exportación, puede extraer una lista de productos, categorías, clientes y pedidos seleccionados en un archivo CSV.Puede establecer un número máximo de entradas para garantizar que los datos se importen o exporten dentro de un rango determinado.El complemento de importación de productos WooCommerce utiliza la biblioteca PHP Excel para acelerar las operaciones de importación y exportación.

  • Importación y exportación de productos, categorías, pedidos y clientes
  • Exporte datos a archivos CSV fácilmente personalizables
  • Aplicar filtros para exportar tipos específicos de datos
  • Importación y exportación rápidas con la biblioteca PHP Excel
  • Establecer el máximo de entradas importadas/exportadas en cada grupo

German Instructions

Das CSV-Import- und Export-Plugin von WooCommerce hilft Ihnen, Produkt-, Kategorie-, Kunden- oder Bestelldaten schnell in großen Mengen zu importieren oder zu exportieren.Mit Exportfiltern können Sie eine Liste ausgewählter Produkte, Kategorien, Kunden und Bestellungen in eine CSV-Datei extrahieren.Sie können einen maximalen Eintrag festlegen, um sicherzustellen, dass Daten innerhalb der Grenzen importiert oder exportiert werden.Das WooCommerce Import Products Plugin basiert auf der PHP-Excel-Bibliothek für schnelleren Import und Export.

  • Import und Export von Produkten, Kategorien, Bestellungen und Kunden
  • Exportieren Sie Daten in einfach anpassbare CSV-Dateien
  • Filtern Sie, um bestimmte Datentypen zu exportieren
  • Schneller Import und Export mit der PHP-Excel-Bibliothek
  • Konfigurieren Sie die maximalen Einträge für den Import/Export in jeder Gruppe

Change log

Version: 2.0.0 
Updated : New Feastures
Import / Export Coupons
Import / Export Product Reviews
Version 1.3.0 Updated:
Bug Fixed:
1) Issue fixed with latest version of WooCommerce.
Version 1.0.1:
Bug Fixed:
1) Fix issue with zip creation.
Version 1.0.0
Initial release of pluign

Woocommerce csv import export plugin - orders, customers, products [Free Download]
Woocommerce csv import export plugin - orders, customers, products [Nulled]
WordPress » WooCommerce

  • Gutenberg Optimized: No
  • High Resolution: No
  • Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Compatible With: WooCommerce 5.1.x, WooCommerce 5.0.x, WooCommerce 4.9.x, WooCommerce 4.8.x, WooCommerce 4.7.x, WooCommerce 4.6.x, WooCommerce 4.5.x, WooCommerce 4.4.x, WooCommerce 4.3.x, WooCommerce 4.2.x, WooCommerce 4.1.x, WooCommerce 4.0.x, WooCommerce 3.9.x, WooCommerce 3.8.x, WooCommerce 3.7.x, WooCommerce 3.6.x, WooCommerce 3.5.x, WooCommerce 3.4.x, WooCommerce 3.3.x, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WooCommerce 2.5, WooCommerce 2.4.x
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
  • Software Version: WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.5.x, WordPress 4.5.2, WordPress 4.5.1, WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.4.2, WordPress 4.4.1, WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3.1, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, WordPress 4.1, WordPress 4.0