Veen - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress



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  • Ultralight and modern design.
  • Highly optimized and lightweight (only 1.5mb size).
  • AMP support (transition mode) checkAmpere Home and AMP single post.
  • Continuously updated.
  • Ready for translation (both English and Spanish).
  • Minified and optimized code.
  • Turn on graphics support.
  • Built with SCSS and precompiled with Prepos 7 (Windows and Mac compatible).
  • Dedicated ads section (under header, before and after post content, custom ads are placed anywhere).
  • Ads section between grid posts.Demo here
  • Sticky sidebar for posts
  • Lazy loading of lists (homepage, archives, categories, etc.).
  • Lazy load post content.
  • Lazy loading for embedding (iframes like Youtube/Vimeo/Soundcloud).
  • Preparado para HTML5 y CSS3.
  • 3 Single post configuration
    • full width with sidebar,look here.
    • full width without sidebar,look here.
    • Classic: image inside the article, look here.
  • Posts and pages don't have sidebar styleslook here.
  • stran z oznako po meri,look here.
  • custom author page,look here.
  • Custom 404 pagelook here.
  • About me widget.
  • Benutzerdefiniertes Tag-Cloud-Widget.
  • Custom gallery.
  • Advertising section.
  • Disqus and Facebook support.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Video support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc.).
  • Retina display ready.
  • Font awesome icon.
  • Available for Android, Ipad and Iphone.
  • Include documentation.
  • Clean design.
  • Coding is good.
  • Мени за навигацију.


v2.3.0 - 25 October 2021
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Incorrect color for search menu icon when Minimalist Header is selected.
- Fixed: PHP warning from post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: Order by days not working on post thumbs widget.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Gallery Block on Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed: Javascript error when Theme Optimization is "OFF".
- Fixed: Icon shortcode size not applied properly.
- Improved: Breadcrumb HTML.
- Improved: Core Framework.
- Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.8
- Added: Turkish Language.
- Added: Legacy Search box widget (only for customers who are using WP 5.8 and want the old search box style).
- Added: New option "offset" for articles modules (grid, sidebar, classic).

v2.2.0 - 03 May 2021
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Custom Embed not working for Video Posts.
- Fixed: AMP Validation error.
- Fixed: Mobile Logo Font Size not working on sticky logo (mobile devices).
- Fixed: Incorrect Avatar on About me Widget.
- Fixed: Custom Sidebar not displayed if Article sidebar is empty.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Quotes Block on Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed: Incorrect color for CF7 success message.
- Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url.
- Improved: Core Framework
- Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts.
- Improved: Now views counter uses ajax, this will improve the counting for heavy cache plugins.
- Improved: CLS warning for Logo image on Google insight reports.
- Added: New field custom script on <body>, on Theme options -> adv settings.
- Added: New filter "last X days" for Recent post widget.
- Added: "Order by" filter to Posts by Category widget.
- Added: Rank Math breadcrumb compatibility.

v2.1.4 - 17 December 2020
Summary: Important Fix

- Fixed: Pagination not working on Grid Posts style (bug from v2.1.3).
- Improved: Javascript compability for future releases (WP 5.7) of jQuery

v2.1.3 - 14 December 2020
Summary: Important Fixes

- Fixed: Shortcodes Generator not working on WP 5.6
- Fixed: Pagination not working properly on AMP pages (page nº 2 and greater was not redirected properly if custom home is being used), this issue is only related to AMP plugin v2.0 and greater.
- Fixed: Advertising module (on custom home page) was escaping custom codes (scripts or iframes).
- Fixed: Admin Post image (thumbnail) disappears on latest version of WordPress.
- Fixed: Incorrect image size if Fullcover style is selected on Theme options (as global), this generate some blurriness on the featured image.
- Fixed: Widget Gallery not working properly.
- Fixed: Incorrect image size on Grid Posts for Archives pages (category, tags or author).
- Added: Breadcrumb support for Yoast SEO and NavXT plugins, the new option can be enabled on Theme options -> Blog -> global options.
- Added: Sticky Header option for mobile.

v2.1.2 - 25 October 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Recent Tweets widget not working.
- Fixed: Shortcodes not working on Footer Copyright section.
- Fixed: Incorrect margin on Safari mobile if Footer has custom background color.
- Fixed: Meta container appears even if all meta data is disabled (views, comments, etc) on Single Post image.
- Removed: Prefetch optimization option, it was generating some issues with Disqus comments and also is not generating enough speed benefits like Preload option.
- Improved: Now shortcodes works inside EP Tabs container.
- Added: HTML 5 validation for email field on comments section.
- Added: New Autoplay option for Post Slider module.

v2.1.1 - 08 September 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Author avatar (about me widget) do not appear on AMP pages.
- Fixed: Disable single post featured image was disabling featured images on widgets (which was not intended).
- Fixed: Some icons do not appear on customizer.
- Fixed: Warning from Header logo.
- Fixed: Disable default theme google fonts option not working.
- Fixed: Gallery format Incorrect height on mobile devices.
- Fixed: When selecting "Resize for smaller devices" + "aligncenter" to embeds, the element disappears (youtube, vimeo, etc).
- Fixed: Incorrect height for custom embed on mobile devices (it was fully replaced with responsive embeds).
- Fixed: moz-document warning on AMP plugin 2.1.
- Improved: Dot size for text logo on mobile devices (now is smaller).
- Improved: Show comments toggle animation.
- Improved: Gutenberg gallery captions layout.
- Improved: Sticky header when resized.
- Added: Unique ID to all home modules and for other stories and related posts (single content), so they can be linked with custom anchors.

v2.1.0 - 20 August 2020
Summary: Fixes and improvements

- Fixed: Posts ordered by views filter not working properly (this is a progressive fix and every time a post is visited is fixed automatically).
- Fixed: Update core plugin notification do not appear when using Veen child theme.
- Fixed: Incorrect border color for blockquote from Styling options.
- Fixed: Double title if no featured image is assigned but optimized image is added to posts.
- Fixed: Custom Color not applied properly to bold links.
- Fixed: Meta container appears even if all meta data is disabled (views, comments, etc).
- Improved: Gravatar cache policies warning.
- Improved: Now if Lazy load is enabled, it will be applied to Gravatar (comments section).
- Improved: 4 columns grid layout on devices below 1200px
- Improved: How update Core plugin notification appear.
- Improved: Versioning of assets when using Veen Child Theme.
- Improved: How SCSS files are generated (developer friendly).
- Improved: How lightbox is applied to Gutenberg Galleries.
- Improved: Now Gutenberg Galleries and Single Gutenberg image will display caption on Lightbox.
- Improved: Latest tweets widget, now the amount of tweets is more accurated.
- Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.5
- Improved: If no menu is assigned to header, the mobile menu icon will not appear.
- Added: New option to exclude replies on Latest Tweets widget.
- Added: * New option to move the titles below images on Theme options -> blog -> global options.
- Added: TikTok to social profiles.
- Added: Email to social profiles.

v2.0.0 - 14 July 2020
Summary: Big Update: Core Web Vital (CWB) and features.

TTI: Time to interactive.
LCP: Largest Contentful Paint

- Fixed: Disqus console error if comments are not open.
- Fixed: Sticky logo not displayed when 2 different logos are uploaded.
- Fixed: Archives incorrect alignment when Minimalist header is selected.
- Fixed: Secondary Color not applied to Blockquotes.
- Fixed: Dropcap incorrect Font family (when custom font family is selected).
- Fixed: Font Weight not applied on sidebar and footer titles (when custom font family is selected).
- Fixed: When title max length is assigned, sometimes missing character appears on Japanese language.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for page sidebar on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Incorrect title alignment on Fullwidth page template.
- Fixed: Header height overlap when entering in Fullscreen mode events, for example: Youtube.
- Fixed: Incorrect Featured Category for Slider module when demo content is imported.
- Fixed: Incorrect alignment for videos on AMP pages.
- Fixed: False/Positive for videos on Edge browser (not loading due a block of smart screen).
- Fixed: Incorrect color for header social buttons.
- Fixed: Incorrect color on hover for search button.
- Fixed: Align center not applied on images with links.
- Fixed: Featured image not listed on wp-admin -> all posts.
- Fixed: * Some fields listed on Theme Options do not appear on Customizer.
- Improved: * Now licenses can be reactivated on reinstallations.
- Improved: * Updated Theme Options Framework, now search options will work as expected.
- Improved: * Now all options inside customizer has the same order from the Theme Options section.
- Improved: Now fonts icons are loaded in a separated file, to reduce the load of other critical CSS.
- Improved: Removed transparent option from certain colors that shouldn't be transparent on Theme Options.
- Improved: Validation of transparent and rgba colors on Theme Options.
- Improved: Now Firefox will use a simplified effect for titles.
- Improved: Mask image size for main titles effect.
- Improved: Lazy load detect on single post content.
- Improved: Custom Scripts on Footer are fully removed in AMP pages to prevent JS errors (New AMP custom code will replace this functionality).
- Improved: Automatic paragraphs on text editor module.
- Improved: Reduced main container width on Notebooks (1366px and less), this will prevent sticky share incorrect layout and some other floating elements.
- Improved: Sticky logo max width to unlimited instead of 174px.
- Improved: Reading time for Cyrillic languages.
- Improved: If max title length is assigned and the title is less than the limit, the "..." (dots) will not appear if not needed.
- Improved: Now subscribe form will open a new window, this will reduce bounce rate.
- Improved: Share buttons URL to Permalink
- Improved: Reading time on search results (some pages do not need reading time).
- Improved: Accessibility titles inside single post.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Articles list.
- Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Single Post Content.
- Improved: Now Code Prettify (prism) will be loaded only if needed on every page.
- Improved: Pasive listener warning for CWB.
- Improved: Now functions/sidebars.php, post-formats.php and theme-functions.php can be used inside the child theme, to override any function of these files.
- Added: Rel noopener and nofollow to several external links (social) and share buttons.
- Added: New option to select the words per minutes for reading time.
- Added: Custom Code for AMP pages, this will allow add Analytics codes and others.
- Added: New option to disable featured image on all single post (theme options -> blog -> single post content).
- Added: Now title can be disabled on Fullwidth page template.
- Added: New option to select the Author's page layout (grid, classic, with sidebar, etc) on theme options -> blog -> layouts.
- Added: New option to change mobile body font size, and mobile single post font size.
- Added: * Fallback license validation method for those FTP who don't allow edit/create files.
- Added: * AMP Compatibility for all Pages (categories, tags, search results, 404 and author).
- Added: * New optimization section (advanced settings).
- Added: New option to select theme font icons method (standard, javascript or in footer), this will improve TTI and reduce a little the LCP from CWB.
- Added: New option to add a delay to the font icons load (only available for Javascript method).
- Added: New option on Optimization -> adv settings, now low priority CSS can use Prefetch, Preload or Standard methods.
- Added: New optimization option, now Async scripts can be removed automatically from the source code.

v1.2.3 - 5 May 2020
- Fixed: Critical error when the theme is changed and Veen functions plugin is still active.
- Fixed: Author Position warning.
- Fixed: Author Avatar not displayed consistently if optimized Avatar is uploaded.
- Improved: Image quality for Fullcover posts and some text changes for recommended sizes (for old customers it is highly recommended to install regenerate thumbnails plugin).

v1.2.0 - 27 April 2020
- Fixed: Warning when main effect is empty from Theme Options panel.
- Fixed: Meta tag title when using a Front Page.
- Fixed: Subscribe custom background color not applied.
- Fixed: Warning when author position is empty.
- Improved: Added description on tag archives page.
- Improved: Sticky header, now menu items will always aligned to the middle (in case of large logos).
- Improved: Slider caption background color (when a different body background color is selected).
- Improved: Posts Carousel Lazy Load, now it will not be showed as a warning on GTMetrix.
- Added: Font size for Text Logo (desktop & mobile) in case of using large texts as logo (Theme Options -> Header).

v1.1.0 - 19 April 2020
- Fixed: Double title on Video post format on classic posts.
- Fixed: Double title on Audio post format when no soundcloud url is assigned (classic and grid posts).
- Fixed: Some missing translation strings.
- Fixed: Submenu arrows not working on IOS 6+ on Safari browser.
- Fixed: Incorrect Typography assigned to some elements, when custom typo is selected.
- Improved: Input fields font sizes to (16px), this will disable Auto Zoom In on IOS mobile devices.
- Improved: Code organization on Veen Functions plugin.
- Improved: Main translation file config (veen.pot).
- Improved: Title length on Classic Post style (single).
- Improved: Author box width when the description is too short.
- Improved: Border width on main titles.
- Added: New Theme Options section "Main Effect", with some extra options in case custom fonts are selected.
- Added: Missing translation strings to Spanish.
- Added: French Language, special thanks to Tractebel customer.
- Added: Close button to search lightbox just to improve usability (desktop and mobile).

v1.0.1 - 10 April 2020
- Fixed: Classic with sidebar layout not visible on search page.
- Fixed: Categories carousel module not displayed properly.
- Improved: Image quality for categories carousel.
- Improved: filters for comments fields

v1.0.0 - 09 April 2020
- Initial release.



Spanish Author:Paragon Studio

Turkish Author:Gökan Köşkin Website: Homo sapiens

Image Source:Unsplash and pixabay


  • Joseph Sens –
  • Nunito –

Font Icons:remix icon and font awesome

Veen - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress [Free Download]
Veen - Minimal & Lightweight Blog for WordPress [Nulled]
WordPress » Personal

  • Gutenberg Optimized: Yes
  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Widget Ready: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Software Version: WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
  • ThemeForest Files Included: PHP Files, CSS Files, SCSS Files, JS Files
  • Columns: 1
  • Documentation: Well Documented
  • Layout: Responsive