TravelFresh - Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System

Free Download TravelFresh – Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System


TravelFresh is a responsive, user-friendly and simple travel agency management system with an online booking system.Using this CMS, travelers can check the destination and see the packages offered, and then they can reserve seats for a specific trip. Travelers can pay online via PayPal, Stripe or a bank.The administrator will then communicate with the traveler and start processing the journey.

The CMS is built using the Codeigniter PHP framework. Therefore, it can be easily customized by other developers who can easily understand the code flow.You will get this script very powerful against SQL injection, XSS and CSRF attacks. Also in all pages, admin-level security is implemented.

The source code for this script is very simple and clean. The interface is user friendly. Almost all content and photos can be maintained by non-technical users.


This script has some great features. We offer the following:

  1. Simple and easy to use interface
  2. Fully responsive
  3. clean code
  4. Easy installation on a domain or subdomain
  5. Direct access to the page has stopped
  6. Invalid URL protected for page
  7. Statistics in the Dashboard
  8. Passenger reservation system
  9. Passenger registration and login
  10. Traveler Payments and Payment History
  11. Manage destinations by administrator
  12. Manage packages via administrator
  13. Manage pages for team members, testimonials, services, and more.
  14. Manage meta titles, keywords and descriptions for all pages
  15. Manage your administrator’s payment settings
  16. Manage news and categories
  17. Travelers pay with PayPal, Stripe, and bank bookings
  18. Bank Payment Administrator Payment Approval System
  19. Payment approval system by admin if PayPal and Stripe not done
  20. Easy installation on the server
  21. Passenger registration confirmation system via email
  22. Forgot password option for traveler and admin panel
  23. Automatic thumbnail creation system for uploaded images of packages and destinations
  24. protection from attack
  25. SMTP email system
  26. Google Recaptcha for front-end forms
  27. Preloader on/off option from backend


front end:click here
extremo posterior:click here


Username: Administrador @gmail. com
Password: 1234


Username: traveler @gmail. com
Password: 1234



  1. Jquery
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Awesome fonts
  4. Administrator LTE


Version: 1.3 (October 15, 2020)

- Base_url will be auto grabbed now. Do not need to put it manually. 
- Added SMTP in Email Settings.
- Fixed the problem of changing the home newsletter text and photos.
- Added Google Recaptcha in Front End Forms
- Added toastr popup message for forms
- Preloader on/off option added for front end.
- Website name change option for back end.
- Terms and condition page added in front end.
- Privacy Policy page added in front end.

Version: 1.2 (December 27, 2019)

- Removed summernote editor and added the smart CKEditor instead.
- Added a file upload section in the admin panel.
- Added a short description field in the package section of the admin panel to show items without breaking in the front end.

Version: 1.1 (March 22, 2019)

Fixed the minor newsletter section bug.

Version: 1.0 (February 20, 2019)

Initial Release.

TravelFresh – Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System [Free Download]
TravelFresh – Travel Agency CMS with Online Booking System [Nulled]

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