Ticketing Expert - SaaS based Ticketing System

Spécialiste de la billetterie - Système d'assistance multi-locataires

The SaaS version of Ticketing Expert supports multi-tenancy. The super administrator of the system can log in from the central domain and can manage tenants.Tenants can subscribe to plans set up by super administrators.During the ordering process he can choose a subdomain he would like to use and the ticketing system will be available for tenants on that subdomain.However, if the tenant wants to use the system on his own domain, he can do so as well.

The tenant can then log in as admin from the domain of his choice and can add employees, customers can sign up, and customers can bill.Tenants can set up departments, email templates, IMAP and SMTP, and more. Each tenant's system will be independent of other systems. We use one database per tenant.

Our scheduling system is flexible and you can set up day-based schedules, month-based schedules, and more. You can also set prices in various currencies. It's very flexible.

If you don't need the SaaS version and you're just looking for the basic version, you can get it fromHere

Demo details

Central Admin login details

panell admin@mòduls. com / admin1234

Tenant login details

panell admin@mòduls. com / admin1234
Employee login
Painel Staff@Module. e / staff1234
ഉപയോക്തൃ ലോഗിൻ
Panell Usuari@mòduls. com / user1234

Another example tenant url is
Tenant 2 can also use the same login details.

On the tenant side, administrators can manage employees and users. Multiple tenants can use the system, and each tenant will have a unique subdomain.

Central management function
1) Gateway management
2) Order Management
3) Invoice management
4) Service management
5) Gestión de inquilinos

Tenant-wise features
1. Department Wise Tickets
2. Private and Internal Notes
3. Canned responses
4. Import tickets from email with IMAP
5. Assign personnel to departments
6. Invoice and Invoice Return Email Notification
7. Multi-language support
8. Ticket Labels
8. Permissions
9. Base de coneixements i preguntes freqüents

We currently support the following gateways.
1. Stripes
2. PayPal
3. Molly
You can add any gateway you want to use

For more details, please seeTicketing Expert SaaS Documentation

Ticketing Expert - SaaS based Ticketing System [Free Download]
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