SoundCaptcha - Captcha that speaks.

Download Latest SoundCaptcha – Captcha that speaks.

SoundCaptcha is a simple form for validating any “token” in case the submitted request was entered manually.We all know that the strings generated by the current captcha are difficult to read from the human eye most of the time, which requires the page to have to be reloaded (refreshed) to generate a new captcha string, after refreshing the page you may lose some information already Write in the input field and at the same time this is frustrating for you as a user.

For this reason, SoundCaptcha provides a second chance to hear the captcha token through the voice speaker and then enter it in the captcha input field, which increases the likelihood that the user will enter the correct desired “token” sex.

SoundCaptcha spells letters from A-Z and numbers from 0 to 9, but it just ignores other characters like !@#$%^… etc.

You can choose whether to open the captcha audio player in a popup or in the current captcha page

Captcha capitalizes it as InSeNsItIvE, which ensures that users don’t have to worry about case sensitivity.


SoundCaptcha allows you to make these changes to increase display flexibility:

  • Flash Audio Player: Popup or Current Page
  • Type de police (fichiers de police TrueType)
  • couleur de la police
  • font size
  • background pattern
  • character to display
  • Randomizing
    * Font Type Randomizer Font Color Randomizer *Background Pattern Randomizer

The pack currently contains 5 font types and 11 background patterns. But that doesn’t mean you can’t apply the background pattern or font file you want. how? You will see in the documentation.


From the server side, best for generating captcha

  • PHP 4.4 > Recommended Updates

Clients that require verification codes

  • JavaScript
  • Flash player

SoundCaptcha – Captcha that speaks. [Free Download]
SoundCaptcha – Captcha that speaks. [Nulled]

PHP Scripts » Forms

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