Room Rent Management

Room Rent Management (Free Download)

It’s easy to manage, easy to use, and has administrator control in the right place. Now is the time to change your rental business from manual to computerized.

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Who can use it?

If you have a room, villa, hotel or apartment that you want to rent anytime, this project is the right choice.You can quickly and easily control all properties in minutes.


All these features will help you a lot:

  1. Fully Custom Privileges
    Each page in this project is controlled by a permission number, which can only be accessed by administrators with the same numbered permission.
  2. housing management
    You can control all the houses you own.
  3. room management
    You can control all the rooms you own.
  4. Privileged group management
    With this concept of privileges, you can name the group privileges yourself.
  5. Administration
    You can modify permissions and house permissions for each admin
  6. Set custom prices on specific days(optional)
    This feature will unlock the ability to set prices on specific days or disable each room. Easy to use and useful if you already have plans for the next month or even a year.
  7. library management
    You can book rooms, hotels, villas and even add extras, offer discounts and create payments. Cash and credit card payments are supported.
    Download the billing invoice in pdf format.
  8. User Management
    Save your customer data. Available for next transaction.
  9. cost management
    Regular reporting of your cash flow is very helpful.
  10. Reports
    Payment reports, transaction reports, cash flow reports and room reports.

Demonstration system

  1. super administrator
    Username: superadmin
    Password: superadmin123
  2. operator administrator
    Username: operatoradmin
    Password: operatoradmin123
  3. financial administrator
    Username: financeadmin
    Password: financeadmin123


Change log

Version 1.1 | Jan 13, 2017

[Updated]: Bill invoice pdf;
[Updated]: Can upload image for every house to use in invoice;
[Updated]: Add email and ID Type for customer;
[Fixed]: Fix small bug;

Version 1.0 | Dec 20, 2016

[Release]: Initial release;

Special thanks to

Plugins and Code

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Toastr
  • Bootstrap date range picker
  • jQuery Select2
  • NProgress
  • Moment Js
  • How to Build a Simple Calendar Using JavaScript

free template website

  • Gentelella

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