Download Latest RealPlaces v1.9.8 Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme
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Real Places is a premium WordPress theme for real estate websites.With its purpose-oriented design, it offers decent design variations with flexibility and customizability to meet various requirements.This theme comes with tons of useful real estate related features that you can learn about with the live preview and details provided below.
Demo user access information
username and password = demo( The user has the contributor role)
Advanced and customizable real estate search
The theme includes advanced property search capabilities that are not only powerful, but fully customizable to meet various requirements.You can choose which fields to display, the order in which you want them to appear, and what data will appear in those fields.You can display multiple location fields to provide search behavior, such as State > City > Region. You can change values in price-related fields.You can also decide how the property search results page should look and how many properties should be displayed and in what order they should be sorted.
Google Maps with property markers
This theme includes Google Maps support, enabling you to display Google Maps with attribute markers on search results pages, attribute display pages, attribute detail pages, home pages, contact pages, and category archive pages.
Drag and drop layout manager for homepage
Using the drag-and-drop layout manager for the homepage, you can show or hide and arrange the homepage modules in any order you want.You can also add custom content to your homepage using the wpbakery page builder in the homepage content module.
Various layouts showing multiple properties
The theme includes various page templates for displaying multiple properties. These templates include a comprehensive set of meta boxes to filter and sort properties to meet any requirement.So basically, you can create a page with any number of properties with any layout that can be of any type, state, location and function or any combination of these.You can also filter properties by bedroom, bathroom, price, and more.
3 different variations of property detail pages
The theme offers 3 different design variants for property detail pages. You can switch between any variation of theme options.
Easy to use meta box
The Real Places theme provides a rich set of meta boxes that allow you to easily add and modify information and media files to properties.
Additional Details Metabox
Real Places provides a very easy to use interface to add/modify/delete additional details related to properties.This feature can be used in many ways, especially to add a certain type of information, for which no other meta box is available.
Property accessories
You can provide various types of documents (pdf, office documents, images, etc.) as attachments to the property.This feature can be used in various innovative ways to share more detailed information about properties.
floor plan
You can add property-related floor plans using the very intuitive user interface available on the property add/edit page in the WordPress admin side.Each floor plan can have its own description, image, price and other specifications such as dimensions, beds, bathrooms, etc.
Similar properties on property detail pages
You can display the Similar Properties module on the property details page to display properties that are similar to the current property.
Various custom widgets
The theme provides and supports various custom widgets required for real estate websites.
Sub/sub-property support on property detail page
Subproperty support is provided so that you can add large buildings with sub/subunits to show each building with different information and prices.For example, a building has 3 different types of apartments, each with a different bedroom, bathroom, size and price.
3 different layouts to display proxies
This theme includes three 3 different page templates to display proxies in 2, 3 and 4 columns.
User registration, login (social login support) and password recovery
The Real Places theme provides a front-end dialog for user registration, login and password recovery support, enabling your website users to enjoy members-only features.
Social login support was added in Real Places version 1.4.0, which makes it easy for users to log in using any social network such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.
Front-end property submission and editing
You can configure front-end attribute submission and editing functionality in this theme to enable your site members to submit attributes.
Submitted property list
A registered user can view a list of properties only that he has submitted, and he can edit, delete or pay the publishing fee for properties from this list.
Favorite attribute
A visitor can add properties to his favorite properties. Later he can view his favorite properties, and if desired, he can also delete a property from his favorites.Favorite information for simple visitors is stored in a cookie, but for logged in users it is stored in a database.
Front-end configuration file editing
A registered user can edit his profile information using the front-end profile edit form.
PayPal Payment Integration for Submitted Properties
You can configure PayPal payments to charge users who have submitted properties to your site for publishing fees.
Includes Google reCAPTCHA support
This thread includes Google reCAPTCHA to prevent spam.
Includes Revolution Slider plugin
You can build any type of slider with the Revolution Slider plugin included in the main package of this theme.If you just want to use attribute sliders, there are already two slider variants available.
Translation ready, including RTL support and WPML compatibility
The theme is translation ready and you can translate it into any language without plugins.However, if you want to build a multilingual website, then you can use a plugin like WPML with this theme.
One-click demo importer
The theme includes a one-click demo importer to help you quickly set up a theme demo-like website.
Pre-order FAQs
Can a search form have multiple location boxes, such as “State > City > Region”?
You can choose to display up to four location boxes in the search form.
You can choose 1 if you want to display all positions in one select box.
You can choose 2 if you want to display locations like State > City or City > Region.
You can choose 3 if you want to display locations like Country > State > City or State > City > Region.
You can choose 4 if you want to display locations like Country > State > City > Region.
We have multiple agents in our agency and we want our agents to add properties. But we don’t want other people to sign up, so what’s the solution?
Real estate is like a post in WordPress, you just create a user for the agency with the author role. You can learn more about roles from So you don’t need to enable registration for public and manually added users, having the author role is enough to add properties using the WordPress dashboard.You can forward the documentation’s Add Properties link to your agent for guidance.
How do I create an RSS feed for properties? and how to send their emails to potential clients.
You can use ‘feed/? post_type=property’ to get a property feed after your website URL. For example:
Demonstration example:
Later you can use Google Feed Burner create a feedburner widget on your website for people to subscribe.
The following plugins may also help in this regard.
How can I import properties from an existing database using an XML or CSV file?
You can import properties into the Real Places theme for freeWP ALL ImportPlugin and its add-onsreal placetheme. For more details you can consultThis knowledge base article.
main feature
- Nice and clean design
- Fully responsive layout
- Includes Revolution Slider plugin
- Comprehensive localization support? Contains .Bao and . .mo files
- WPML plugin support? Includes RTL language support
- Simple and extensive theme options? For more information, you can view the screenshots.
- Easy to use meta box? Add and modify real estate information
- Google verification code support? For all forms in this topic.
- Advanced Property Search Form? Any search field can be enabled or disabled from the theme options. You can also order fields from theme options.
- User can register, log in and retrieve password
- Edit profile? User can modify his profile information and upload his profile picture using frontend profile page.
- View Favorite Properties? User can add/remove properties to favorites and view his favorite properties.
- Front-end property submission? Users can submit properties from the front end.
- List submitted properties? The user can view the list of properties he has submitted.
- Edit submitted properties? The user can modify any attribute he submits.
- Submit a PayPal payment for the property? User can use PayPal to pay for his submitted property, if enabled from theme options, the property will be published automatically after successful payment.
- Admin can view payment list? Take further action after successful payment.
- Home page functionHome page header area
- Three header area variants are available, which can be easily switched from the theme options.
- Full width slider? Three slider variants available
- Revolution Slider – can be used in place of the default slider
- Google Map ? Can be displayed in place of slider in theme options
- Advanced property search form – displayed below the header or slider depending on the header you’re using
other modules
Note:You can use any module from the available variants in any order you want. Overall, this theme provides the following modules on the homepage.- Properties module – 2 variants available – you can filter these properties to display them from any state, location or type.You can also change other settings, such as the number of properties to display, etc. Check out the thread’s screenshots for more details.
- Various settings related to this section are available in the How It Works Module – Theme Options.
- Featured Properties Module – 3 variants available – You can also change related settings from theme options.
- Partners – related settings can be modified from theme options.
- News/Blog Posts – Related settings can be configured from the theme options.
- Homepage includes content support where you can add Visual Composer page builder content to design your homepage the way you want.
- Property Details Page
- Property Photo Gallery (3 variants available)
- Property content area
- Property Features
- Property tour video section
- Location of the hotel on the map
- property social stock options
- Property accessories
- list of sub-attributes (if any)
- Realtor information and Ajax-based contact form
- Similar properties section
- Support for adding a mortgage calculator
- Support for adding featured attribute widgets or any other type of widget.
- Property search results template? Display property search results with sorting
- property template
- List layout full width
- List layout with sidebar
- grid layout full width
- Grid layout with sidebar
- Gallery Template? Has 2-column, 3-column and 4-column layouts
- proxy template? Has 2-column, 3-column and 4-column layouts
- Agent Details Page? Displays detailed information about the agent and a list of related properties.
- User/Author Details Page? Displays detailed information about the user and a list of related properties.
- Contact Template? Use Ajax-based contact forms, Google reCAPTCHA, Google Maps and other contact information.
- Full width page template
- FAQssupport.
- Testimonialssupport.
- Featured Properties Custom Widget
- Advanced property search custom widget
- Custom widget for social icons
- Style customization support, including backgrounds, fonts and colors
- Child theme Included
- Click Demo Content Importer Included
- Sample content XML files are also included if you need to manually import demo content
- Detailed documentation Included
- Layered PSD Included
Theme support
Thank you for purchasing the Real Places theme. We really appreciate it! By providing support for all our themesOur Support Site.
Visit our support site | How do I get an item purchase code?
Version 1.9.8 – Updated on 14th November 2024
- Enhanced Properties Section settings on the homepage
- Fixed a bug in the Author Contact Form
- Added a new option to customize the “Read More” label on the Blog page
- Introduced the ability to modify the “Know More” label in the Featured Properties widget
- Added support for the TikTok social icon
- Fully tested with the latest versions of WordPress 6.7.x and PHP 8.1.x
- Updated translation files for better localization support
photo license
Photos used in this theme are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the theme license.
RealPlaces – Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme [Free Download]
RealPlaces – Estate Sale and Rental WordPress Theme [Nulled]
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