Free Download Real Estate Custom Script
Real Estate Custom Script Based on the Custom PHP framework, Script was born to lead in innovation, at the pinnacle of real estate portal solutions, designed for easy customization and use.Scripts are deeply analyzed and elegantly designed. This script is made for a specific real estate user.It contains all the parts you need to create a new website for your real estate empire. The script has functions such as adding property agents and clients. The script goes into the admin panel.The site can be managed by an administrator.
The script also has 3 search layouts, you can choose one according to your needs. The top header contains a call to the action text. You can also link these texts to pages.
There are more hidden gems in Real Estate Php Script. Try it now.
Admin demo
admin link
Username: demo
Password: demo
versuchen Sie es mit der Proxy-Anmeldung
username:Juan Agente @gmail. com
You will never display data on a property available in the field. Add as many options and features to the desired properties as possible. The script has a great user management panel.You can create a user group and assign users to that user group who will perform specific jobs.
Real Estate Custom Script also has 4 headers and 3 footers. Design is a major issue that website owners often face. We got the solution and added to the script.Now you can change the layout and position from the admin of each page. Create new layouts in 5 minutes. If not like changing it’s new layout. It’s as easy as you think.
Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented. ## Version 1.0 - 19-09-2018 #Language changes - sepreate variable with prefix in All languges file with admin and frontend. #Extension Notification -Remove extension notification #Agent - agent full view issue #Other - add currency format - Remove extra code
Real Estate Custom Script [Free Download]
Real Estate Custom Script [Nulled]
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