Raw Material Module - Ingredients Manager for Gastro 2.x

The Raw Materials module is a NexoPOS extension that helps you record and track ingredients (materials) that are converted and then sold.

Just like in a restaurant, it's not easy to know exactly how purchased ingredients are used, this module provides a solution that allows you to create recipes where you can assign ingredients and measures (units of measure).


  • Create material
  • Create units and unit groups
  • Create a recipe
  • Assign recipes to products


  • uso de materiales
  • Material Inventory Report
  • Recipe consumption


Raw Material Module - Ingredients Manager for Gastro 2.x [Free Download]
Raw Material Module - Ingredients Manager for Gastro 2.x [Nulled]
PHP Scripts » Add-ons

  • High Resolution: No
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, PHP
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x