PHP FansOnly Patrons - Paid Content Creators Platform

At last! The platform everyone's talking about is now on the Envato Marketplace

Create your own website like OnlyFans. com or Patreon. com and grew like crazy. It's like a social network, but allows content creators to earn money for their premium content directly from their fans.

PHP FansOnly Customer Instructions

Creator publishes content

Creators can publish two types of content:
  • Unlocked:All free subscribers are available in their feeds, and the public can view their creator profiles.
  • Locked:Available to fans (membership subscribers who pay monthly) or those who tip posts.
  • Content Type:text, images, audio, video

and has two sources of income

  • Monthly Member FanThese users can access all of their content for as little as a monthly fee
  • Tips for a single postThese users will have access to a locked post on which they will be required to pay a minimum amount set by the creator.

Users can interact with posts

  • they canlove postas on any social network
  • Leave comment on postsLike OnlyFans and Patreon

Global Payment Scope

Integrate three payment methods:
  • Stripecredit card payment
  • PayPalfor everyone
  • Manualwhere admins can accept cash payments and manually add plans for each user

DM Features: Messaging Made Simple

Of course, what would a social platform be without a way to chat?

Notice? We have too!

Users will be notified on the platform when:
  • they got a new like
  • They got a new paying fan
  • they get a free follower
  • they get a tip from someone
  • They have processed the invoice
  • they have payment problems
  • they comment on the post
  • They are @mentioned in the post

Admin earns a percentage from everything

This is how you earn as an admin: you'll configure a fee that you'll collect when processing any subscription and tip payments.

Admin Panel Demo
User:admin@example. organization
Pass: adminer

Built for the future

Make everything real-time using the world's best, future-proof and secure stack: twitter bootstrap, laravel framework, jQuery AJAX and Laravel Livewire.

PHP FansOnly Customer Requirements

Regular server using Apache/MySQL and PHP v7.3+. (Requires php-curl, php-gd, php-mysqli, php-fileinfo, php-mbstring extensions, already provided by 99.99% of hosts)

PWA Support (Progress Web App) since PHP FansOnly v1.7


[v2.1 - 4th Oct 2021]
- Added mime type video/QuickTime (for iPhone uploaded videos)
- Fixed Cloud Storage 403 Forbidden Error on uploaded files
- Added secondary loader when processing large file uploads for better user experience
- Fixed issue in admin with verification requests when using BackBlaze as storage
- Re-added pagination on browse creators
- Messages will now have the last message appended near username when initially loading
- Fixed infinite scroll on user profile (not feed)

To upgrade, simply download and check the /upgrader/ folder
[v2.0 - 17th Sept 2021]
√ Completely New Layout
√ Completely Revamped the Messaging system - now based on VueJS (formerly based on Livewire)
√ Completely Revamped the Uploader: chunked uploads to support big files
√ - Crypto Payments Integration
√ TinyMCE Advanced Editor for the Pages CMS
√ Fixed uploader not clearing images/list after finishing posting
√ Fixed issue with pagination on the feed
√ Updated Stripe Webhooks Controller to comply with latest changes on their side
[v1.9 - 21st Mar 2021]
- Add more than one image in a post
- Send locked/free images via Messaging System
- Send locked/free video via Messaging System
- Send locked/free audio via Messaging System
- Send locked/free zip via Messaging System
- Youtube style progress loading bar at the top
- Added Emoji Support - now emoji from your phone will show instead of ??? characters
- Revamped messaging system on mobile (full view, users into dropdown as people said it's difficult to click)
- Fixed issue with report content form
- Fixed issue with scroll not loading more content on android mobile devices
- Fixed issue with verification requests showing people who didn't apply as creators
- Fixed issue with deleting a content report
[v1.8.1 - 17th Feb 2021]
- Amazon AWS S3 Storage
- Option to hide creators from homepage if you enter "0" in admin->configuration
- Option to hide/show earnings simulator (homepage) in admin->configuration
- Subscriptions were not appearing correctly in admin panel section.
- Total Tips in admin dashboard was not appearing correctly.
- Image orientation on large images fix.
- Fix to "allow guests" feature to see browse creators or user profiles pages (it was not allowing if even logged in)
- Fix to content moderation pagination
[v1.8 - 29th Jan 2021]
- BackblazeB2 Cloud Storage
- Vultr Cloud Object Storage
- Contact Page with form
- Profile "About Me" Headline is now bigger (switched text input to textarea)
- Configure Homepage Earnings Simulator in Admin->Simulator Config
- Configure if to lock Homepage for guests (admin->configuration)
- Configure if to allow/deny non logged in users to see user profiles (admin->configuration)
- Configure if to allow/deny non logged in users to see browse creators (admin->configuration)
- Admin can now add other users as admins in Admin->Users
- Admin can now add RAW JS including script tags in Admin->Extra CSS/JS (ie. for analytics)
- Store users IP Address
- Ban Users
- New messages count is now live instead of needing page refresh
- TransBank (Chile) gateway - kudos to Daniel for sponsoring this
- Added Hamburger Icon for account navigation on mobile
- Fix: PWA Icon (512x512) was not updating on front-end.
- Fix: Comments notification username was owner instead of commentator (fix starts with new comments).
- Fix: Like notification username was owner instead of liker (fix starts with new likes).
[v1.7 - 14th Jan 2021]
- PWA (progressive web application) which can be added to home screen in iOS via Safari and in Android via Google Chrome
- PayStack Payment Gateway
- Make sure to add your app icons into the new section: Admin->PWA Icons
- Preserve new lines when copy/pasting into post content
- Navigation was not showing in "landscape mode" on some mobile screens
- PHP Sessions were moved to database instead of file for better performance and security
- Fixes Homepage Slider Calculator on initial load not making correct calculation
- Admin directly delete self-created, manually added subscription.
[v1.6 - 5th Jan 2021]
- ZIP File upload support
- Auto parse url's into links when posting content
- Auto convert youtube links into embedded code
- If locked post contains media (not only text) it will show the text as a preview.
- Make Monthly fee two decimal places on user profile
- Admin allow / disallow media (audio/video) download (admin->configuration).
- Admin panel dashboard stats now include earnings from tips
- Admin panel tips overview page
- Added a link to "View Frontend" in admin panel
[v1.5 - 30th Dec 2020]
- CCBill Payment Gateway
- Toggle on/off option to hide admin profile from browse creators
- Added verified Badge on user profile page
- Show app version in admin panel
- Fix 404 error when manually adding a plan to an user in admin panel
- Fixed an issue with MySQL Host if it was different than default 'localhost'
[v1.4.1 - 25th Dec 2020]
- Fixed an issue with min tip amount / max tip amount (max was set as min)
- Fixed issue with paypal tip showing multiple times
- Fixed database import foreign key error (affects new/fresh installs only)
- Fixed database hostname when it is not "localhost" (affects new/fresh installs only)
[v1.4 - 16th Dec 2020]
- Creators can now see their own locked content
- Privacy Policy link fix in cookie notification
- Homepage earnings simulator mobile fix
- Admin content moderation (videos, images, text, audios)
- Report abuse form (in footer)
- Entry Popup - toggable in admin panel -> entry popup
[v1.3 - 9th Dec 2020]
- WASABI Cloud Storage
- DigitalOcean Spaces Storage
- Typo Fix on homepage where it says "Expore" instead of "Explore" creators
- Disable right click on images, videos and audios
- Image resizing on upload rather than on the fly to save storage space costs
- Allows mov/quicktime files (from iPhone) as video uploads
[v1.2 - 6th Dec 2020]
- Fixed 404 error when creating / updating / deleting a page in admin->pages cms.
- Fixed issue when creating a page with empty content.
[v1.1 - 5th Dec 2020]
- admin can add extra CSS / JS from admin panel to customise how they want without losing changes after updating
- if individual post is locked, it will show the post type icon so the users know what type of post it is.
- creator profile now includes a count of total posts, total images, total audios and videos
- added site title in copyright footer notice
[v1.0 - 4th Dec 2020]
v1.0 - Initial Release

PHP FansOnly Patrons - Paid Content Creators Platform [Free Download]
PHP FansOnly Patrons - Paid Content Creators Platform [Nulled]
PHP Scripts » Social Networking

  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
  • Software Framework: Laravel
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x