Numerology Calculator

Download Latest Numerology Calculator

This is a php numerology calculator class developed for numerologists or entertainers who want to put their numerology on their website.Many numerology sites explain you how to count yourself and check their list of expressions against the numbers you count, but with this solution you don’t need to do it yourself, it counts and shows users their expressions based on their numbers.Numerology is the study of the symbolic meaning of numbers.It is used to identify a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles, intrinsic needs, emotional responses and ways of dealing with others.Whether you’re using numerology to look at your life, take advantage of untapped opportunities, identify your talents, or just wonder where to go next, numerology can be an in-depth tool to help you better understand yourself and your needs. loved ones.Numerology shows the whole picture, revealing all the different parts of your personality and how they all come together to create who you are.With this complete view, you can play to your advantage.


  • age calculation
  • name calculation
  • enable/disable main number
  • Load meaning based on given number
  • Free wordpress version available on buyer dashboard

New in version 1.1:

  • Added a new demo
  • Improved date of birth calculation

WP version:

Request your version here:Copper Dashboard, or by email.

Use short code:

[widget widget_name="ctp_widget" instance="calculator=name"]

Use: calculator=namefor name calculation andcalculator=dateBirthday calculator.

Use as widget:
The widget name is: Numerology Calculator on the WordPress widgets section.

Numerology Calculator [Free Download]
Numerology Calculator [Nulled]

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