Mixano - Minimal WordPress Theme

Download Mixano – Minimal WordPress Theme

Mixano It is the minimal WordPress theme for blogging and freebies. It also works for bloggers and magazines. It is developed with great technology for perfectionpage speed countand loading time. The theme is very easy to use and customize, lightweight and SEO friendly. It performs flawlessly on desktop and mobile, making it a search engine favorite.Now it is also compatibleElement page builder

You can check page speed in Google Chrome by pressing F12 and going to the Lighthouse tab. Also make sure “Simulate Limits” is checked to simulate slower page loads.

Or you can test our demo site live

*Please note that speeds may vary in this environment due to internet service providers, internet speeds and our server response times.For best results, we recommend you use the first method to test page speed.

Watch video speed test

Theme Features

  • 100 pages for desktop and 90 for mobile – no caching plugin
  • 1 Click Demo Importer – Easily import any demo
  • Fully responsive
  • Powerful theme options
  • Unlimited colors
  • 4 Blog Layouts
  • 4 post types: Standard, Gallery, Video and Audio
  • 6 Single Blog Layouts
  • 5 custom widgets
  • 5 ad areas (above header, between posts, widgets, before posts, after posts)
  • Translation ready
  • RTL ready
  • Children’s theme
  • Lazy loading of images, videos and sounds
  • Compatible browsers
  • Extensive documentation


Nota importante!

Images are for preview purposes only and are not included in purchased themes.

Image Source:Freepikwallpaper accessBehanceBehanceBehanceBehance


v 1.2 - 10 October 2020
[+] Added: You can add posts in the intro section now

v 1.1.9 - 1 October 2020
[+] Added: Elementor Page Builder support
[+] Added: Option for border radius of menu
[+] Added: Option for disable numbers above menu links
[+] Added: Option for adding custom background to any page title
[+] Added: Footer is now dynamic - automatically detect the number of widget areas and create the grid
[+] Added: Menu responsive trigger position new option: right
[+] Added: Option to display last date and time when an article was updated
[+] Added: Option to show/hide the back to top button
[*] Added: Author box icon it's now displayed on mobile also
[*] Added: Footer copyright year can now be automatically converted to current year using the syntax %year%
[*] Fix: style.css was still enqueued in child theme when Inline Critical Css option was selected ( child theme must also be updated )
[C] Changed folders structure in theme and core plugin
[C] Changed template parts folders structure in theme

v 1.1.8 - 15 September 2020
[I] Improved: back to top button

v 1.1.7 - 31 August 2020
[*] Fix: Google Adsense overlap post tags
[*] Fix: Lightbox navigation buttons problem
[*] Fix: Logo alignment on mobile

v 1.1.6 - 31 August 2020
[+] Added: Back to top button
[*] Fix: Text after ad advertisement not showing up on grid posts when using Google Adsense
[*] Fix: Page top padding issue when viewed from mobile
[*] Fix: Gallery caption border radius issue
[*] Fix: Comment reply link was overlapped by comment form and the Reply could not be clicked
[*] Fix: Gallery photos overlapping issue
[*] Fix: If date on single post it's to long it overlaps the category
[*] Fix: When a child theme it's used the dynamic colors are not working properly ( child theme must also be updated )
[I] Improved: Responsive menu background color calculator

v 1.1.5 - 26 August 2020
[*] Fix: Fixed date format for comments when set from WordPress Admin > Settings > Date Format
[*] Fix: Fixed Google Adsense ads not working
[-] Removed: Options for lazy loading the Google Adsense ads

v 1.1.4 - 21 August 2020
[*] Fix: Displayed categories in the hierarchical order on single post - was not properly fixed in 1.1.3 version

v 1.1.3  - 21 August 2020
[+] Added: Option for choose another big category for single post 
[*] Fix: Fixed breadcrumb not being displayed correctly when there are multiple pages on child categories
[*] Fix: Displayed categories in the hierarchical order on single post

v 1.1.2  - 18 August 2020
[*] Fix: Fixed date format when set from WordPress admin > Settings > Date Format

v 1.1.1 - 10 August 2020
[+] Added: New social options: Patreon, Telegram, Twitch, Tiktok
[*] Fix: Intro section not showing when homepage is set to a static page
[*] Fix: Responsive menu background color if colors are set to custom

v 1.1 - 04 August 2020
[+] Added: Demo Importer - Import any demo with a single click
[+] Added: Option for auto-update theme and plugins ( requires you to activate your purchase using Envato purchase code ,and to manually update the theme and plugin Mixano Core to the new version )
[+] Added: Repeater buttons for every post - so you can create affiliate products or anything else that you desire
[+] Added: New color skin
[+] Added: Option for font size of big category in single posts
[+] Added: Option for responsive trigger position: center or left
[+] Added: Option for responsive trigger color
[+] Added: Option for responsive search color
[+] Added: Option for image size: cropped or original
[+] Added: Image preview in admin posts column
[*] Fix: Fix some RTL styling issues

v 1.0.1 - 27 July 2020
[+] Added: Option for social profile style : text or icons

v 1.0 - 26 July 2020
- Initial release.

Mixano – Minimal WordPress Theme [Free Download]
Mixano – Minimal WordPress Theme [Nulled]

WordPress » Blog / Magazine

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