InfyProjects - Laravel Project Management System



Admin Login:Admin @infyprojects. com / admin@12345

User login :Aiden Burt@gmail. com / 123456

InfyProjects is an easy-to-use project management tool with task management and time tracking features for all your daily project management needs.

It offers very simple task management features like clients and projects, task management with time entries, team management and roles and permissions, and a very nice web timer to track time for specific tasks.


You can also send an email toLab @infyom. exist



Release notes:

Upgrade guide:

Feature Description:


The super administrator's dashboard provides a comprehensive view of the entire system through a series of visual reports, including:

  1. User Reports - How much time a specific team member spends on which project each day.
  2. Daily Work Report - For a given day, who worked how much time on each project.
  3. Unfinished Tasks - This report is useful for team resource planning. Who has more tasks open and overloaded project wise.


Departments are useful when you need to divide projects by department. Such as outsourcing, products, training, marketing, etc.This is useful for tracking how much time all the different team members spend in each department.


Clients can be individuals or organizations that provide projects. It could even be your own company if it's your internal project. Just like your own website. Every customer belongs to a department.


Everything starts with a project. Every project must have an associated client, you can also define a prefix and a set of users (team members) who will work on that project.So only those users can see the item. In addition to this, you can also define the budget for the project. Budgets can be of two types. Fixed price or hourly.Depending on the budget type, an invoice calculation will take place.


Once the project starts, all we need to do is define the tasks.

Tasks may be,

  • Title
  • Project
  • Priority
  • assigned to
  • deadline
  • Tags
  • Description

You can also assign tasks to multiple team members if desired. If they will all be performing different sets of activities on the same task.Just like one person will do the actual implementation, another person will document the task.

Easy to use interface:

We have designed a very nice and easy to use task list interface where you can complete all the main tasks without leaving the screen.


You can also filter all tasks by individual fields, for example,

  • assigned to
  • Project
  • deadline
  • Status


You can also sort tasks as follows,

  • Date created
  • Finish
  • deadline


You can also attach files and media to tasks to make it easier.Attachments are useful when specifying designs, scope documents, or anything else that can add value to a task description and define clear requirements.


In today's world, collaboration is necessary. Each task requires the collaboration of different team members. Reviews play a key role in providing this.People can comment on each task to discuss task requirements or whatever they want.

time entry

We all need to keep track of how much time we spend on the system, including which project or which tasks. Based on this, we can track project progress and issue invoices.

Time tracking entry:

InfyProject provides an easy-to-use and ready-to-use time tracking widget in the bottom right corner of the screen. You can open the widget, choose a task, and start a timer.

It also does offline time tracking. So you can also close the tab and come back after completing the task.You can then insert notes about the work you've done along with the activity type (activity type is the type of work you've done. Explained in the settings section below.) and stop the timer.It will automatically save your time entry on that task.


Reporting is an essential module in every project management system. Reports help us measure team member performance as well as billing and invoicing.Also check that the project is completed within budget.

You can create reports with several available filters,

  • Department
  • Client
  • Project
  • Users
  • Tags

InfyProjects provides two types of reports,

  1. static report
  2. Dynamic report

static report

Static reports are reports that are not dynamically updated even later when tasks or times are entered or when the project budget is updated.So once you save the report, it will take a snapshot of the system and save it statically.

It will not update until the report is resaved. When you re-save the report, it will again take a snapshot of the latest system based on the filters you selected.

This type of report is useful for taking a current snapshot of the system and saving it for future use.So later, if a team member's project budget or salary is updated, it will still remember the old value.

Dynamic report

Dynamic reports are reports that are dynamically updated and provide you with the latest data from the system based on the filters you choose. For exampleI would like a report on how much time I spend on project X each month. So I can choose report type dynamic and time interval as this month.So it will give me the latest data for the current running month. I don't need to update the month for each month change.

Also, if any changes are made to budget or time entries or anything else, it will be reflected in the report.


Users are team members. You can manage all users in this module. Create users and assign them the required roles and projects. Also, this is a restricted area with permissions.So only users with the given permissions can access the user module.

You can also specify the user's salary to reflect the cost of the project in the report.


Each user will have a role and depending on the role he/she has, he/she can access features/modules.

By default, the system comes with some predefined roles, but you can even create your own roles with the permissions you want.


You can create invoices directly from the report or manually here.When you create it from a report, it will automatically calculate the invoice amount for each hourly item at the rate mentioned in the item.

For fixed price costs, you can manually add items to the invoice. You can also download PDFs of invoices and send them to customers.


InfyProject provides various settings to control your branding and other general projects.


You can see a list of all tags used in all tasks. From here you can create new labels, as well as edit and delete existing labels.

type of activity

The activity type is the actual activity that the user performs on the task. For example, development, design, QA testing, documentation, training, deployment, meetings, discussions, etc.

They can select it when entering the time. So, on any task, you can clearly see how much time is spent on each activity.

Here you can manage all event types for your organization.


Taxes are used when creating invoices. Here you can create a tax with its amount.


This settings section is used to control the branding of the system, including:

  • Application Name
  • company logo
  • company name
  • Company email
  • work phone
  • company address
  • Favicon
  • Working days in a month (how many days you work in a month/calculated when doing payroll)
  • working day


InfyProjects also offers various languages ​​according to your needs. Currently, we support the following list of languages,

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • Arabic
  • Chinese


  • project management software
  • task management system
  • time tracking
  • invoices
  • report
  • Workforce management
  • User Management
  • business Administration
  • project timer
  • account Manager
  • freelancer

InfyProjects - Laravel Project Management System [Free Download]
InfyProjects - Laravel Project Management System [Nulled]
PHP Scripts » Project Management Tools

  • High Resolution: No
  • Compatible Browsers: Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Sass, PHP
  • Software Framework: Laravel
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x