HyperX - Responsive Wordpress Portfolio Theme

main feature:

  • Best WordPress Portfolio Theme since 2015, multiple awards and nominations!
  • Best Responsive WordPress Portfolio Themes - for Any Screen or Device
  • Minimal responsive and lightweight
  • Create Amazing Agency Portfolios, Artist Portfolios, Architecture Portfolios, Business Portfolios, Cartoon Portfolios, Creative Portfolios, Designer Portfolios, Development Portfolios, Graphic Designer Portfolios, Photography Portfolios, Photographer Portfolios, Painter Portfolios, Resume Portfolios, Web Development Portfolios, Illustrator Portfolio, Resume Portfolio, Engineer Portfolio, Personal Portfolio of Any Type, Fashion Portfolio, Design Portfolio, Freelance Portfolio, Architect Portfolio, Filmmaker Portfolio
  • Woocommerce Ready to Create Stunning Woo Commerce Stores Isotope Grid
  • Isotope filter is ready
  • Isotope grid ready, create and control amazing thumbnail grid, ready for zoom effect
  • Ability to create full-screen, full-page portfolios
  • Minimalist design
  • Simple and clean UI elements
  • One page/single page ready/Onepage Parallax Effect ready.
  • Parallax effect for other custom pages
  • Revolution Slider Ready
  • The visual composer is ready
  • The ultimate plugin is ready
  • Lightweight portfolio template
  • Create Youtube Portfolios, Vimeo Portfolios, Self-Hosted Video Portfolios
  • Ability to create blogs, portfolios and shopping together
  • Klar för HTML 5
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Create amazing landing pages
  • Create a masonry grid
  • Your website will catch everyone's attention!
  • One of the easy to use portfolio theme Wordpress on the market
  • Fast Loading, Speed ​​Optimized Portfolio WordPress Theme


Other features

  • 24/6 Support and Online documentation
  • Compatibility with the best free Elementor plugins -Royal Elements Plugin
  • Improved Wordpress Theme Adapter with:
    • Countless options - everything is being updatedreal-time
    • Simple and beautiful user interface
    • No back-end management panel-All theme options are located herein theme customizer
    • real-timeTheme customization
  • Multiple unique predefined theme designs- Advantages:
    • One KeyDesign activation
    • One KeyDemo import
  • The slider revolution is ready
  • The visual composer is ready
  • The ultimate plugin is ready
  • 100% responsive and retina ready
  • Built-inHTML5 and CSS3
  • SEO optimization
  • Clean and comment code
  • Translation ready -. Bao & .MoInclude files (WPML friendly)
  • Child themeIncludes examples (with screenshots)
  • Full-width and boxed(In pixels) site layout
  • page de préchargement:
    • Preloader Icon Selection
    • preloader background color
    • Preloader background transition
    • Multiple animations on page load
  • Multiple portfolio pages
  • Portfolio page options:
    • Layout Modes: Masonry, Metro Masonry, and FitRows (equal column height)
    • Custom post thumbnail aspect ratio (image size)
    • Columns 2, 3, 4, 5 have breakpoints
    • or 1, 2, 3, 4 constant columns (breakpoints for mobile only)
    • Post likes and shares
    • Customer testimonials
    • Independently move post titles and other elements above, below, or above post image information hover
    • 20+ CSS Image Info Hover Effects and Transition Controls
    • Image effect before/after thumbnail hover
    • Information hover effect randomization
    • Lightbox image/video popup
    • Image overlays: color and transparency, grayscale, scaling
    • Optional post format icon with icon selection
    • And more, even you can't imagine
  • Blog page options:
    • Almost all of the above portfolio page options are the same for bloggers
    • In addition to CSS info hover and recommendation
  • Portfolio Single Project Options:
    • Project title position: upper/lower featured image
    • Previous/Next item navigation arrows (optional)
    • Project sharing icon (separately on/off)
    • Item information - floats to the right or below the item content
    • Project Information - Stick to Content
    • Additional field for item description
    • Categories, skills, project links, etc...
  • Blog Single Post Options:
    • Almost the same as the portfolio single project option
    • Except: Project Info (Description and Details)
  • Royal Shortcode:(integrated into Visual Composer)
    • Royal Portfolio Grid
    • Royal Blog Grid
    • Royal Contact Form
    • Royal before/after image effects
  • Background:Colors, transparent colors, images, patterns and even gradients are used to:
    • Body
    • Sidebar
    • Content
    • footer etc...
  • Sidebar includes: Logo, Menu, Filters and Widgets
  • Sidebar options:
    • Attachment fixed/static
    • scroll zoom
    • position up/left
    • Collapse button (left sidebar, optional)
    • Custom scrollbar (left fixed sidebar)
  • 2 types of flags -Image / Text
  • Password-protected portfolio
  • website sloganBelow the logo with advanced font options
  • 'จิตรกรรม'yourselfTextlogoWith amazing logo options:
    • Advanced font options - font family, size, letter spacing, etc...
    • background color, text color, text hover color
    • Border: Size, Style, Color
    • corner radius
    • Text- und Kastenschatten etc...
  • Menu d'options :
    • menu title (left sidebar, optional)
    • Text or button styles - with multiple styling options
    • Full screen popup menu button
    • Active item highlighting (optional)
    • First-level submenu (left sidebar)
    • Multi-level submenu (top sidebar)
    • Show submenu - hover/click
    • Advanced font options
  • Filter options:
    • Filterable portfolio and blog pages
    • Deep linking capabilities of portfolio filters
    • Subfilter support for portfolio filters
    • Portfolio filter sorting - not supported when subcategories appear
    • Text or button styles - with multiple options
    • Active Ttem highlighting (optional)
    • Advanced font options
    • Fontawesome Icon Selection - Left/Right
    • Isotope or classic-link-based filter
  • Gallery options:
    • Slides and Stacks
    • Gallery title (optional)
    • Advanced Slideshow Options
    • 7 Slide Transition Effects
    • Arrows and Navigation Controls
    • Gutter control for stacked galleries
    • Enhanced Wordpress Native Gallery Shortcodes
    • 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 column support for native galleries
    • Gutter control for native galleries
  • Similar post carousel options:
    • For portfolio and blog
    • different carousel titles
    • Show random or related posts (use separately for portfolio/blog)
    • number of posts to display
    • Increase/decrease column rate
    • Auto scroll and transition options
    • Previous/Next arrows (optional)
    • Imaging consultation color and transparency
  • Comment options:
    • Disable globally on portfolio/blog
    • Comment author avatar size: small, medium, large
    • Post author comments Background color highlighting
  • Input field options:
    • Comment and contact page
    • 5 explanations
    • background, text, border color
    • Background, text, border focus color
    • Even wrong color
    • Search Input - Icon Selection
  • Post pagination options:
    • 4 different types of portfolio and blog pages
    • Number - optional previous/next and first/last
    • Default - only previous/next
    • Infinite Scroll-Automatic
    • Load more - Brochure
    • Icon selection: previous/next, first/last and load more buttons
  • Contact page options:
    • 7 custom fields - for contact information (optional)
    • Form and information title (optional)
    • Google Maps Location - Top/Bottom
    • Advanced Google Maps Options
    • 5+ layout combinations with the above options
  • Custom copyright textComes with advanced font options
  • Social Icon Options:
    • 10のソーシャルURLフィールド
    • FontAwesome social icon selection
    • Rearrange abilities - select using icons
    • Icon size, corner radius, border, color, hover color, shadow, etc...
  • Copyright and Social Blocks:
    • Attachment: Fixed/Static
    • Fixed - Collapse button (optional)
    • Static - 3 different layouts
  • Back to top button options:
    • Open close
    • show transition
    • page scroll transition
    • Advanced style options
  • Global changes in title and body text family
  • Web Safety and 650+ Google Fonts
  • Custom font support
  • Google Fonts subset: Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Vietnamese
  • Advanced typography options from H1 to H6, including paragraphs:
    • font family
    • font size
    • Line height
    • Letter spacing
    • Font weight (100 to 900)
    • Italic
    • Uppercase
  • CSS personalizzatowith - editor style and fullscreen option
  • Custom JavaScript and Google Analytics
  • Website icon upload:Default and Apple Touch icons
  • Left sidebar, top and footer widgets- Advanced style options
  • Globally enable/disable widget title
  • 2, 3, 4 നിരകൾchooseTop and footer widgets
  • Fußzeilen-Widget deaktivierenon separate pages.

Image Source

HyperX - Responsive Wordpress Portfolio Theme [Free Download]
HyperX - Responsive Wordpress Portfolio Theme [Nulled]
WordPress » Portfolio

  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Widget Ready: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Compatible With: Elementor, Elementor Pro, Visual Composer 5.1.x, Visual Composer 4.12.x, Visual Composer 4.11.x, Visual Composer, Visual Composer 4.10.x, WooCommerce 4.9.x, WooCommerce 4.8.x, WooCommerce 4.7.x, WooCommerce 4.3.x, WooCommerce 4.2.x, WooCommerce 4.1.x, WooCommerce 4.0.x, WooCommerce 3.9.x, WooCommerce 3.8.x, WooCommerce 3.7.x, WooCommerce 3.6.x, WooCommerce 3.5.x, WooCommerce 3.4.x, WooCommerce 3.3.x, WooCommerce 3.2.x, WooCommerce 3.1.x, WPML
  • Software Version: WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x, WordPress 4.8.x, WordPress 4.7.x, WordPress 4.6.1, WordPress 4.6
  • ThemeForest Files Included: PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
  • Columns: 4+
  • Documentation: Well Documented
  • Layout: Responsive