Gravity Forms - Pipedrive CRM - Integration

Gravity Forms – Pipedrive CRM – Integration (Free Download)

Gravity Forms Pipedrive CRM integration

Benefits of our plugin:


  • Integrate your Gravity Forms forms with Pipedrive CRM.
  • You can choose what you want to generate-prospects, transactions, people and organizations, events or transactions and events.
  • When a lead/deal/campaign is created, a person and an organization (or use an existing one, if any) are created and connected.
  • Ability to update existing transactions (if an existing person is found and it is associated with a transaction).
  • The fields are loaded from CRM (including custom fields).
  • You can set up each form yourself, specifying the information you want to get.
  • Send in two modes: immediately when the form is submitted or with a slight delay via `WP Cron`.
  • Integrate infinite “Gravity Forms” forms.
  • Support to get `utm` parameters from `URL`.
  • Support for sending `GA Client ID`.
  • Supports sending the `roistat_visit` cookie.
  • Support for sending `_ym_uid` cookies.
  • Support for resending entries (if saving is not disabled).
  • Support for uploading files.
  • Multi-pipe support.
  • Image preview.
  • Super easy to set up!

Important notes:

  • This plugin requires the ‘Gravity Forms’ plugin.

How do I get updates?

For information on new versions and update installations, you can use Envato’s plugins -Envato Market WordPress plugin.



- Chore: deps update (#83).


- Feature: ability to update an existing `deal` (#80).
- Fixed: filling non-numeric `enum` (#82).


- Feature: new filter `itglx/gf/pipedrive/ignore-sending` (#59).


- Feature: merging values in multiple custom fields when updating an exising person.
- Feature: search for a person by phone & email instead of a name & email.
- Feature: use `action scheduler` instead of `wp cron`.
- Fixed: `limit` on the number of fields has been increased to the maximum possible 500.
- Fixed: enqueue scripts when `non-conflict` mode is `on`.


- Fixed: using `note api` for `note` to lead.


- Feature: support for processing utm tags when using caching plugins.
- Feature: added support custom `deal` fields to `lead`.


- Chore: use `webpack` to build assets.
- Fixed: do not cast time to UTC for custom fields.
- Fixed: sending lead data, casting the value `owner_id` to a number, if filled.
- Feature: support sending cookie `_ym_uid`.


- Chore: minor improvements in downloading the log through the admin panel.
- Feature: added support `lead` creation.


- Fixed: prepare date/time values.
- Chore: ignore deal service fields.
- Feature: using the new search API.
- Chore: use composer autoloader.
- Feature: reset fields cache by button without cron.
- Feature: ignore sending if status spam.


- Fixed: prepare time field.
- Fixed: prepare date field.
- Feature: support sending cookie `roistat_visit` to CRM.


- Feature: ability to re-send the entry.


- Chore: more error handling.
- Feature: more supports advanced fields.
- Feature: added `mbstring` polyfill.


- Feature: Support for uploaded files.


- Fixed: `created_by_user_id` activity field is no longer used, its value is set automatically.
- Fixed: pipedrive date format.
- Chore: increased the width of the fields in the administrative panel.
- Fixed: possible search error of the existing organization in part of the name.
- Feature: update for an existing person and organization.


- Chore: more logs.
- Fixed: special mail tags support.
- Feature: more supports advanced fields.
- Feature: the ability to choose the type of sending - immediately or wp cron.
- Feature: added the ability to log requests to CRM (disabled by default).


- Fixed: compatible with php 5.4.


- Feature: Send crm by cron.


- Feature: Populate the value of the select and multiselect field from the form field.
- Fixed: Check whether plugin `Gravity Forms` is active on the `Network`.


- Fixed: Support for `advanced name` field.


- Feature: Create a `deal` and `activity` together.


- Feature: Support for `activity`.
- Feature: Support for `utm` params in `URL`.
- Feature: Support for multi pipeline.
- Feature: Add `note` to a `deal`.
- Feature: Support for `advanced address` field.


- Initial public release.

Gravity Forms – Pipedrive CRM – Integration [Free Download]
Gravity Forms – Pipedrive CRM – Integration [Nulled]

WordPress ยป Forms

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