v1.9.20 GoCargo - Freight, Logistics & Transportation WordPress Theme

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GoCargo - Freight, Logistics & Shipping WordPress Theme - Current Version 1.9.2 Available for Download!

- Latest Version 1.9.2 – 28 September, 2020
- WordPress-Version 5.5.x Ready
- compatibleWPBakery Page Builder Version 6.4.0 Plugin
- Hosting requirements

Introducing the best premium website templates for GoCargo Freight, Logistics and Shipping. GoCargo is easy to use, and it provides everything you need to create a beautiful website.With GoCargo, you can impress your customers with its professional design and interactivity. GoCargo is built with the latest website technologies to ensure your website looks great on desktop and mobile devices.Get GoCargo now!

  • Pre-sale questions can be raised in product reviews.
  • Need help or have questions? By sending us a support ticketDedicated Support Forumwith us? We will contact you as soon as possible!

Our theme includes all the features you need

  • 4 completely different designs
  • 9 Homepage-Alternativen
  • WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) drag-and-drop page builder with more than 29 custom web elements for creating unlimited layouts and pages.
  • Revolutionary slider for creating infinite sliders
  • Import demo content with one clickWatch the video guide
  • The complete demo content includes
  • Powerful theme options for the Redux framework
  • Unlimited color styles. Create your custom color scheme in just a few clicks!
  • Prepare the translation using the provided POT file
  • Modern and clean design
  • Responsive layout
  • Smooth animated elements on roll
  • Parallax background
  • Touch and swipe
  • Page de préchargement
  • Lightweight font icons
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Working on contact form 7 free download
  • Picture library
  • Unlimited Google fonts
  • Get ready for kids theme
  • Including the entire font is awesome628+ icons
  • Very clear documentation (step by step)

A real example of a website powered by the GoCargo WordPress theme

Below, you can see all possible examples with the help of the GoCargo WordPress theme. See what it can do for you!

  • http://www.taxi-lille-agglo.fr/
  • http://mdpcoffsite.com.au/
  • http://richmondcorrugated.com/
  • http://cctrucking.mx/
  • http://www.almacconglomerate.com/
  • http://pronto.hr/

Thank you for your interest in our WordPress theme OceanThemes

Changelog GoCargo - Freight, Logistics & Shipping WordPress Theme

28/09/2020 – Version 1.9.2

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.4.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.2.23
- New Added: On/Off Page Header in pages -> http://prntscr.com/umxafq.
- New Added: On/Off Page Header in GoCargo Options -> Sub-Header Top Page
- Files edited: sample-config.php, header.php, template-tags.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css

04/09/2020 – Version 1.9.10

- Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.5.x
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.3.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.2.22
- New: Add the wp_body_open() function after the  tag
- Fix: jQuery Migrate Helper
- Fix: Validate color in theme option
- Files edited: sample-config.php, header.php, template-tags.php, plugin-requires.php, admin-script.js, style.css

28/07/2020 – Version 1.9.9

- Fixed: Fix option header color for both homepage and inner pages
- New added: Option for Sub-Header (Top Page): spacing, overlay color
- Files edited: sample-config.php, color.php, style.css

24/07/2020 – Version 1.9.8

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.2.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.2.17
- New added: Colors option for submenu (dropdown menu).
- Added: add rtl.css file
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, sample-config.php, color.php, style.css

23/05/2020 – Version 1.9.7

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.2.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.2.9
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version
- Fixed: Fix Video HTML5 work on mobile devices.
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, style.css

21/02/2020 – Version 1.9.6

- Fixed: Fix missing font-awesome icons font after update the WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.1.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.1
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.1.8
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version 1.4.9
- Files edited: functions.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css

08/10/2019 – Version 1.9.4

- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.1.3
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, style.css

03/09/2019 – Version 1.9.3

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.0.5
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 6.1.0
- Improved: Improving some CSS code
- Fixed: Menu color
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, color.php, style.css

08/07/2019 – Version 1.9.2

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.0.3
- Improved: Improving some CSS code
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, color.php, style.css

21/05/2019 – Version 1.9.1

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 6.0.2
- Included: wpml-config.xml file, those help translations the theme options fields.
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, style.css

22/03/2019 – Version 1.9.0

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.7
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Fixed: Fixed some bugs
- Files edited: functions.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css

18/01/2018 – Version 1.8.8

- New added: OT Typing Text element
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version 1.4.7
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, style.css

11/12/2018 – Version 1.8.6

- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 5.x
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.6
- Improved: Improving the CSS color for social on topbar header.
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, color.php, style.css

26/10/2018 – Version 1.8.5

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.5.5
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version 1.4.6
- Fixed: Fixed some bugs
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, color.php, style.css

31/08/2018 – Version 1.8.4

- New added: Logo preload, you can set up in GoCargo Options -> Preload Settings
- New added: Included royal-preloader.css, royal_preloader.min.js in the theme folder.
- Fixed: Bugs Overlapped services on IE and on mobile in the "Services Grid 2" element.
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version 1.4.5
- Updated: Documentation
- Files edited: functions.php, header.php, sample-config.php, template-tags.php, plugin-requires.php, color.php, style.css

27/07/2018 – Version 1.8.3

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.5.2
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version 5.4.8
- Updated: OT Visual Composer Version 1.4.4
- New added: Option for archive service page: title, read more text, a post per page
- Files edited: archive-service.php, sample-config.php, plugin-requires.php, exotheme.js, style.css

30/05/2018 – Version 1.8.1

- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Improved: Improving the menu color on mobile
- Changed: Change the link URL Font-Awesome icons to https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/
- Files edited: color.php, plugin-requires.php, meta-boxes.php, contact-info.php, style.css

14/03/2018 – Version 1.8.0

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.4.7
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Fixed: Bug in 404 page
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, 404.php, style.css

13/12/2017 – Version

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.4.5
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 4.9.x
- Files edited: plugin-requires.php, style.css

31/10/2017 – Version 1.7.6

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.4.2
- Improved: Sub Menu 3rd on mobile devices.
- Files edited: color.php, plugin-requires.php, style.css

12/10/2017 – Version 1.7.5

- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 4.8.x
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version 5.3
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version
- Updated: OT Visual Composer plugin version 1.4.2
- Newly added: Options blog layout in GoCargo Options -> Blog Settings
- Newly added: Spacing option, styling for footer in GoCargo Options -> Footer Settings
- New added: Show career post by category in OT Career Post, OT Career Post 2 elements
- Improved: Explain each of the optional features on the GoCargo Options page.
- Files edit: color.php, sample-config.php, index.php, search.php, archive.php, footer.php, style.css

24/07/2017 – Version 1.7.0

- New added: GoCargo Express One Page version
- New added: Customize "Sub-Header Top Page" in GoCargo Options -> Sub-Header Top Page
- New added: Customize "Header Homepage" in GoCargo Options -> Header Settings -> Header Homepage
- Updated: OT Visual Composer 1.4.0
- Updated: OT One Click Import Demo 1.3.0
- Updated: New demo content files in folder data_export/
- Improved: OT Home Parallax, add unlimited text in the field: Add your text slider(multiple fields)
- Files edit: functions.php, color.php, sample-config.php, template-tags.php, exotheme.js, style.css

12/07/2017 – Version 1.6.4

- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 4.8
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version: 5.2
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version:
- Updated: OT Visual Composer 1.3.1
- Files edit: style.css, class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

10/04/2017 – Version 1.6.3

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version: 5.1.1
- Updated: OT Visual Composer 1.3
- New added: Show Testimonial by category in OT Testimonial Slider, OT Testimonial Slider 2, OT Testimonial Grid elements
- Files edit: functions.php, testimonials-widget.php, color.php, exotheme.js, style.css

13/03/2017 – Version 1.6.2

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version: 5.1
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version: 5.4.1
- New added: easy to add your google map API key in GoCargo Options -> Miscellaneous Settings -> Google Map API Key
- Files edit: style.css, sample-config.php, functions.php

21/02/2017 – Version 1.6.1

- Updated: Theme compatible with WordPress 4.7.x
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version: 5.0.1
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version:
- Files edit: style.css, sample-config.php

18/11/2016 – Version 1.6.0

- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder Version: 5.0
- Updated: Slider Revolution Version:
- Updated: FontAwesome Version 4.7.0
- Updated: Meta Box Group Version: 1.1.6
- Updated: GoCargo Shipment plugin, OT Visual Composer plugin, One-Click-Import-Demo plugin
- Removed: Twitter widget, Instagram widget files
- New added: homepages version 4 (Merry Christmas) on GOCARGO ORIGINAL Version.
- New added: options header layout with two different header layouts, more options color for header and menu, on/off social or search box on the header.
- New added: top bar header and you can easily add your phone number, email address, working hours, social network, etc...
- New added: header-2.php, cbpAnimatedHeader.min.js, classie.js, let-it-snow.min.js, let-it-snow.css
- Files edit: functions.php, style.css, vc_row.php, color.php, plugin-requires.php, sample-config.php, header.php, exotheme.js, rev-settings.css

27/09/2016 – Version 1.5.2

- Update theme compatible with WordPress 4.6.1
- Update Visual Composer Version 4.12.1
- Update Meta Box Group Version 1.1.5
- Files edit : style.css

16/08/2016 – Version 1.5.1

- Updated : ot-themes-one-click-import plugin, gocargo-shipment plugin.
- Remove the folder "plugins" in gocargo/framework/
- Install all plugins from the source online now.
- Fixed some bugs and improve the theme.
- Files edit: plugin-requires.php, style.css

20/07/2016 – Version 1.5

- Update Revolution Slider Version 5.2.6
- Update Meta Box Group Version 1.1.3
- Fixed Google map
- Improve logo on desktop and mobile.
- Files edit: functions.php, style.css, etc...

09/06/2016 – Version 1.4

- Update Revolution Slider Version StarPath (1st June 2016)
- Update Visual Composer Version 4.12 StarPath (8th June 2016)
- Update Meta Box Group Version 1.1.2
- Update Meta Box Tabs Version 1.0.0
- Update OT Visual Composer Version 1.2
- Update OT One Click Import Demo
- Update Font-Awesome icon Version 4.6.3
- Update TGM-Plugin-Activation Version 2.6.1
- Update demo content in data_export and plugin one-click-import-demo.
- New added demo 3 (3 different homepages and many other pages) - check on our demo.
- Newly added files: preview3.css, template-blog-2.php 
- Files edit : style.css, functions.php, sample-config.php, color.php, exotheme.js, etc...

02/05/2016 – Version 1.2

- New added plugins : gocargo-shipment, meta-box-group,meta-box-tabs
- Update demo content file and plugin one click import demo content
- Files edit : style.css

21/04/2016 – Version 1.1.0

- Update Font-Awesome icon 4.6.1
- Update documentation guide
- Fixed bugs in some files
- Update translate files .PO & .MO

20/04/2016 – Version 1.0

      * First release!

v1.9.20 GoCargo - Freight, Logistics & Transportation WordPress Theme [Free Download]
v1.9.20 GoCargo - Freight, Logistics & Transportation WordPress Theme [Nulled]
WordPress » Business

  • Gutenberg Optimized: No
  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Widget Ready: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Compatible With: WPBakery Page Builder 6.1.x, WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.x, WPML, Bootstrap 3.x
  • Software Version: WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x
  • ThemeForest Files Included: PHP Files, CSS Files, JS Files
  • Columns: 4+
  • Documentation: Well Documented
  • Layout: Responsive