Eventsys & Events Management System

Event Management - Eventsys - Overview


1. Event schedule via calendar

One. Select calendar date

b. Select time to set event

C. Quickly add an event schedule

d. Quick Events feature added

2. Easy Book Activities

Eins. Kalender auswählen

b. Select time and date

C. Quickly add events

d. Quickly delete and modify dates and times

3. Event Booking List

One. Check event bookings

b) Check booking time and date

C. Customers add event tickets

4. Book an event with the client (by the admin)

Eins. Kalender auswählen

b. Select time and date

C. Book an event quickly

d. Quick Mail for Customers and Administrators

5. Activity Report

One. Check daily, monthly, yearly or between dates

b. Create Event Schedule Pdf

C. Quick report click and get details

6. Event webpage (one dynamic page is generated for each event)

One. Manage your web pages (fully dynamic)

b. Add logo, business details, people details

C. Share your business page via social links

d. share your social link

e. Add unlimited photos of your business

F. Set your time and availability

7. Active web page configuration

8. Event Mail Service

9. Inline event dispatch to your website

Click :Link demoUsername: admin Password: admin

Eventsys & Events Management System [Free Download]
Eventsys & Events Management System [Nulled]
PHP Scripts

  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
  • Software Framework: CodeIgniter
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.x