Free Download Ekattor Sms Center Addon
This plugin provides SMS sending functionality for students, parents, teachers in your school. when you run your schoolEkattor School Erp, Installing this plugin will give you the opportunity to send important information or school announcements to teachers, students and parents.
How it works
- Ekattor school erp should be preinstalled in your server
- Buy SMS center plugin for ekattor erp from codecanyon
- Download the plugin and install it to your ekattor erp application
- Navigate to “Background > SMS Center > SMS Settings” to configure the SMS gateway and activate it
- Now navigate to the “Send SMS” page
- From the left, select Student or Parent or Teacher as SMS recipient
- You can select the class and target students or parents from the list
- Write your message within 160 characters and click “Send SMS”
- Your message will be sent to the mobile number of the selected user through your activated SMS gateway
Require :
- Ekattor School Erp is pre-installed on your web server.
- Download Ekattor here -
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Ekattor Sms Center Addon [Free Download]
Ekattor Sms Center Addon [Nulled]
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