Download Education WordPress Theme | My University
Education WordPress themes for universities, colleges, schools, and more.
MyUniversity is a powerful responsive education, college, university, school premium WordPress theme
Whether you are a WordPress professional or a beginner with no coding skills, this theme is very powerful and easy to use and customize.
Super sensitive
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
MyUniversity comes with unlimited color styles, custom widgets, touch and swipe enabled, RevSlider ($19 value), and more.
Extended documentation
Lifetime update
Testimonials from people who use my theme
Latest update: v1.3.6 on12 March 2021
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version - Fix: Fixed redux bug introduced by php 7.4
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 5.6 - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version - Update: Metabox to the latest version - Added support for Gutenberg and WP 5.0
- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version - Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version
- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version. - Fixed Visual Composer function
- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version.
- Updated prettyPhoto to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version.
- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version. - Updated Visual Composer to the latest version. - Updated TGMPA to the latest version. - Updated Redux Framework to the latest version.
- Updated Revolution Slider - Updated Visual Composer
- Theme released.
– All images used in the preview are for demonstration purposes only and are not included in the theme. They require proper licenses to use.
Education WordPress Theme | My University [Free Download]
Education WordPress Theme | My University [Nulled]
WordPress » Education