Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPress

Crawlomatic v2.6.6 Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPress (Free Download)

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What can you do with this plugin?

Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPressIs a breakthroughWebsite scraping and scraping, post generator auto blog pluginIt uses website crawling and crawling to turn your website into an automatic blog or even a money-making machine!
Get content from almost any webpage! You no longer need to register and provide APIs with limited access. You can also retrieve data from websites that don’t provide APIs.Schedule it once and let it autopilot your posts for you like a master 7/24!

How does it work?

This plugin will crawl the seed URL you give it (crawling means it will search all the links the page contains) and will visit and extract content from each crawled URL.The crawling process is customizable: you can set the crawl depth, crawl rate, maximum number of articles to be crawled, crawl only links with a specific class or ID, and more custom settings.

Crawlomatic v2.0 Update

In the v2.0 update, a new shortcode for live scraping was added to the plugin: [crawlomatic-scraper]. This new feature makes this plugin an easy-to-implement WordPress web data extractor.Therefore, it can be used to display real-time data from any website directly into your post, page or sidebar.It also temporarily caches scraped content so your site doesn’t overcommit resources.You can use this plugin to include live stock quotes, cricket or football scores or any other generic content from the public domain!

New features included in this update:

  • The scraped output can be displayed via custom template tags, shortcodes in pages, posts and sidebars (via text widgets).
  • Configurable cache for crawled data. The cache timeout can be defined in minutes for each captured data.
  • Configurable user agent for scraper that can be set for each scrape.
  • Configurable default settings such as enable, user agent, timeout, caching, error handling.
  • Multiple ways to query content – CSS selectors, XPath or regular expressions, auto-detection.
  • Various parameters for parsing the content.
  • Option to pass post parameters to the URL to crawl.
  • The captured content is dynamically converted into a specified character encoding to use different character sets to capture data from the site.
  • Create scraped pages on the fly with dynamically generated URLs to crawl or post parameters based on the page’s fetch or post parameters.
  • Callback function for advanced analysis of deleted data.

an examinationv2 updated official documentation, Browse through the examples and check out the FAQ to make a perfectly optimized web crawler.

More information about plugins

You can scrape content from almost every website you open in your browser.If the content is loaded using JavaScript, the plugin can be combined with PhantomJS to crawl the content generated by JavaScript.
Additionally, you can automatically generate an unlimited number of custom website crawls and crawls.

Other plug-in functions:

  • mise à jour v2.3.5 :Execute your own JavaScript code on the scraped HTML and scrape the results – this feature is only available when scraping with a headless browser (Puppeteer/Tor/PhantomJS) or HeadlessBrowserAPI
  • mise à jour v2.2.1 :Crawl the RSS feed for links and crawl the articles listed there
  • actualización v2.2.0: Use HeadlessBrowserAPIScrape JavaScript-generated HTML content from any website on the internet without installing anything on your server (except this plugin) -Tutorial video
  • actualització v2.1.0:shave. Dark web onion sites using Tor Browser and Puppeteer! -Tutorial video
  • mise à jour v2.0.0 :Added Live Scraper shortcode to provide more crawling control and crawling capabilities: [crawlomatic-scraper]
  • v1.7.1-Update:Support for sitemap scraping -Video tutorial
  • atualização v1.6.5:Added visual content selector support -Video tutorial
  • v1.6.0-Update:Added the ability to make screenshots of the grab page and use them in the generated post content-Video tutorial
  • v1.5.2-Update:Ability to shorten outgoing (published source) links (and monetize them), useCorto circuito. YingshiLink shortening service-Shortened link example
  • actualización v1.4.8:Added JavaScript execution support for scraping pages – requires PhantomJS to be installed on the server -How to install PhantomJs? – Video tutorial
  • actualización v1.4.4:Added ability to set multiple proxies for scraping pages. The plugin will randomly choose one on each page visit
  • Actualización v1.4.0:Added the function of paging crawling (the crawling of the article will continue on the next page of the seed page).
  • Actualización v1.4.0:Added ability to import product prices for scraped products (WooCommerce compatible) + dropshipping price auto modification -Video tutorial
  • Actualización v1.4.0:Added the function of increasing the price of imported products by a fixed number or multiplying it with a predefined number (very valuable for direct sales!)
  • v1.2.8 update:Added paginated post import support (to a single crawled post) check:VIDEO.
  • v1.2.4 update:Added ability to set proxy for scraping pages
  • v1.2.3 update:Added option to fetch pages from google cache when direct fetch fails (blocked)
  • Google Translate Support-Choose the language in which you want to publish your article
  • Text Spinner Support – Automatically modify generated text, change words with synonyms – Built-in, Best Spinner, SpinRewriter, WordAI, TurkceSpin and others – Huge SEO value!
  • Customizable post status (published, draft, pending, private, junk)
  • Shortcode to list all posts generated by this plugin: [crawlomatic-list-posts type => ‘any’, order => ‘ASC’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘posts’ => 50, ‘category ‘ => ”, ‘ruleid’ => ”]
  • Crawl and grab can be set to respect bots. txt files for websites and bots crawl HTML headers of pages
  • Automatically generate post categories or tags from market items
  • Manually add post categories or tags to items
  • Choose if you want to update published posts
  • Send custom cookie with request to crawled web page (authentication)
  • Generate posts or pages or any custom post types
  • Embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, IGN, Ustream. tv and DailyMotion use website scraping and scraping
  • Define publishing restrictions: Do not publish posts without pictures, do not publish posts with short/long titles/contents
  • Automatically generate featured images for posts
  • Enable/disable comments, pingbacks or quotes for generated posts
  • Customize the post title and content (including various related post shortcodes)
  • “Keyword Substitution Tool”-its purpose is to define keywords that can be automatically replaced with your affiliate links. These keywords appear anywhere in the content of your website.For example, you can define the keyword “codecanyon” and replace it to point to appears anywhere in the content of your website.
  • ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (Related sentence-as you defined)
  • Option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
  • Detailed plug-in activity record
  • Scheduled rules to run
  • Custom field support for generating posts
  • Custom taxonomy support for generated posts
  • Unlimited scraping variable import (crawl pages section of unlimited import)
  • Choose to copy the image locally or not
  • Option to add canonical meta tags to generated posts
  • Maximum/minimum title length post limit
  • Maximum/minimum content length post limit
  • Only add posts when pre-defined required keywords are found in the title/content
  • Only add posts if the predefined prohibited keywords are not found in the title/content
  • Save and restore plug-in list from file

Test this plugin

  • You can use ‘to test the functionality of the pluginTest site generator’. Here you can try all the functions of the plug-in. Please note that the generated test blog will be automatically deleted after 24 hours.

Plug-in requirements

  • PHP DOM -> How to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it):
  • PHP5.0 or higher
  • dom, mbstring, iconv and json extensions (enabled by default)

For more information on how to configure the plugin, check out this1 hour long tutorial video, It covers the full feature set of the plugin.

Need support?

Please visit usknowledge base, It may answer your question or solve your problem. If not, please email meSupport @coderevolution. LuoI will reply as soon as possible.


Version 2.6.6 Release Date 2024-12-26

The plugin will detect if the same image was scraped before to the media library and will not scrape the same image twice, but will reuse the existing media library ID

Are you already a customer?

If you have already purchased and tried it, please contact me in the comments section of the project and give me feedback so that I can turn it into a better WordPress plugin!
WordPress 5.8 er blevet testet!


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Crawlomatic Multisite Scraper Post Generator Plugin for WordPress [Free Download]
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