Country Detect & Redirect

Find the class for the country code, then it redirects the user (with a file or callback) to whatever you want.This class functions just like Google, redirecting users from countries that support Google, eg. In the UK when you enter Google. com you will be redirected to google. companyUK, this is exactly what you can do with CountryDetector

This class is built in a static context for best use. Also very easy to implement

Update: 21 Nov, 2012

We introduce you to two new features to simplify working with country codes. These functions are:


It returns the user's current country code in two (or sometimes three) initial capital letters.

The second CountryDetect feature is "ആണ് ($country_code)", So you can easily check if it's a given country code to take action.


It returns true or false depending on the condition of the specified country code, i.e. case iNsEnSiTiVe.

Examples of usage of these functions are located atஉதாரணம் / க_get_country_code. பிப்ரவரி.


Added another function called


For the purpose that you only want to include the file once and ignore the other following declaration lines


  • country detection then redirect
  • Country detection then includes specific files
  • country detection and then call your defined function (callback)



Country Detect & Redirect [Free Download]
Country Detect & Redirect [Nulled]
PHP Scripts » Navigation

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  • Compatible Browsers: IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included: HTML, PHP
  • Software Version: PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0 - 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6