Anonymous Feedback - Get honest feedback

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Anofie Pro-a new product, an advanced and remade anonymous feedback script.

The new product-Anofie Pro-is available on Codecanyon.

Anonymous feedback-send honest feedback anonymously

It is suitable for people who want to run their own anonymous feedback website for their business or educational organization.

Send and receive true and honest feedback about you, your skills, work, relationships or friendships from your classmates, friends, employees or your loved ones.

Now in V2+, you can reply to feedback received from registered users without knowing the identity of the registered users. You can send honest feedback by searching for users by name, email, and username

AnonymousFeedbacking is built using Codeigniter, Google Material, and Twitter Bootstrap frameworks.

Watch how to install the anonymous feedback script

V2 function

Anonymous Feedback contains all the necessary features that a perfect anonymous feedback website should have.

- Feedback Reply to registered users
- User search
- Email notification of feedback
- New feedback notification
- Send, receive and manage anonymous feedback
- Share personal information and feedback in multiple colors on Facebook
- Mobile optimized and fully responsive
- Beautiful UX and UI provided by Google Material Framework
- Google and Facebook login
- Multi-language and RTL support
- Multi-user and ACL management
- More than 50 management settings for complete control
- 20 multi-color material themes
- Super simple one-click installation

Please give your honest reviews and ratings. We need your support to update exciting new features regularly. ❤️

Click here to view Codecanyon

Android applications published on the PlayStore

Download on the Play Store

Get your app now

e-mailclassiebit @ gmail. eFor more information

new version

Google AdSense integration


Share feedback on Facebook


Sent mail

Feedback reply

Receive feedback reply

Personal information sharing on Facebook

Share feedback on Facebook using your brand logo and name


Multi-language support RTL

Multi-language support RTL

Now comes with 20 Fresh n Cool welcome page designs

Demo account

general user

- Username: jasonbourne / jarvisjenkins / jakeweary / fletchskinner
- Password: jasonbourne / jarvisjenkins / jakeweary / fletchskinner

Admin user

- Username: chaplainmondover / desmondeagle / alanfresco / gilesposture
- Password: chaplainmondover / desmondeagle / alanfresco / gilesposture


Automatic one-click installation

1. Copy the product's folder "anonymousfeedbacking_v2" to your server's/localhost www/htdocs folder.

2. Enter URL http://localhost/anonymousfeedbacking_v2/install or

3. Then enter your database details and click install.

4. At last, use the below creds for admin login -
  Username : admin 
  Password : admin123


Manual installation

1. Copy the product's folder "anonymousfeedbacking_v2" to your server's/localhost www/htdocs folder.

2. Create a new database from Mysql Host (PHPMyAdmin or any other) and import database file from     
    --> anonymousfeedbacking_v2/install/assets/install.sql

    **If in case of database errors, then you Mysql version is old, but we have a compatible DB for the older version-**   
     --> anonymousfeedbacking_v2/install/assets/install_old_mysql_version.sql

3. Then after creating and importing database successfully, update the database details in-
    --> application/config/development/database.php (according to local server)
    --> application/config/production/database.php file (according to the online server)

4. Update the $config['base_url'] value in-
     --> application/config/development/config.php (e.g http://localhost/anonymousfeedback_v2/)
     --> application/config/production/config.php (e.g

5. At last use the below creds for admin login -
  Username : admin 
  Password : admin123

After successfully logging in you will see the admin panel link in the footer "Administration".

Upgrade V1 to V2 or V2 to V2.1 1. Keep the "Upload" folder and delete all content from the website directory. 2. Copy all the content in "anonymousfeedbacking_v2" to the existing website directory.3. Update the database details in ---> application/config/development/database. php (according to the local server) --> application/config/production/database.phpphp file (according to the online server) 4. Update the value of $config['base_url'] in- --> application/config/development/config.phpphp (e.g. http://localhost/anonymousfeedback_v2/) --> application/config/production/config.phpphp (eg 5. Finally, update the database one by one by running the following query-"ALTER TABLE `notifications` CHANGE `n_type` `n_type` ENUM('contacts','users','messages ') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;" "ALTER TABLE `messages` ADD `p_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `m_from_delete`;" "If there is no `anonym_sessn` (`id` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `ip_address` varchar (45) NOT NULL, `timestamp` int (10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, `data` blob NOT NULL, create a table, KEY `anonym_sessn_timestamp` (`timestamp`) ); ALTER TABLE anonym_sessn ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); "Set up Google and Facebook login

Installation support policy

- If you need any other customization changes, you will need to pay extra (charged by the hour).
- If we need to configure the server first to install the script, the server configuration fee is $50.
- The free installation is only available for a single domain/server. If you want to install on any other domain or server, the fee is $50/domain.- If you encounter any errors, just send an email about the error and we will update the script within 2 days after the error is resolved.


This is a quick user guide on "how to use this site"
Read the full document


v2.10.1 Mar 25, 2019

=== Version 2.10.2 ===

- Reset password not working - RESOLVED

Files changed
    - application/config/ion_auth.php
    - application/controllers/Auth.php
    - application/models/Users_model.php
    - application/libraries/
        - Make_mail.php
        - Ion_auth.php

Composer packages updated
    - application/vendor/*

v2.10.1 Mar 25, 2019

=== Version 2.10.1 ===

- Forgot password email not sending - RESOLVED
- Registration email not sending - RESOLVED

- application/libraries
        - Ion_auth.php
        - Make_mail.php

v2.10 Mar 16, 2019

=== Version 2.10 ===

Bugs resolved
- Signup and forgot password email not sending - RESOLVED
- Timezone issue

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/config/ion_auth.php

* application/controllers/Messages.php

* application/controllers/User.php

* application/controllers/Auth.php

*-*-*-*- Database Updates (important if you're upgrading)*-*-*-*-
- We've added a SQL file - update_v2.10.sql in the root directory. Just import it into your database and all done.

v2.9 Jan 03, 2019

=== Version 2.9 ===

Added & Resolved
- Privacy Policy Page
- Few micro errors

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/config/routes.php

* application/controllers/Privacy.php

* application/language/english/core_lang.php

* application/views/privacy.php

* themes/default/template.php

*-*-*-*- Database Updates (important if you're upgrading)*-*-*-*-
- We've added a SQL file - update_v2.9.sql in the root directory. Just import it into your database and all done.

v2.8 Aug 13, 2018

=== Version 2.8 ===

Bugs Resolved
- Admin panel - users sorting by group
- Switching language error
- Few micro errors

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/config/ion_auth.php
* application/controllers/Profile.php
* application/controllers/User.php
* application/controllers/Auth.php

* application/controllers/admin/Users.php

* application/core/MY_Controller.php

* application/libraries/Ion_auth.php

* application/models/Users_model.php
* application/models/Messages_model.php

v2.7 June 05, 2018

=== Version 2.7 ===

* Google AdSense Integration
* Released Android App on Playstore

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/views/welcome.php

* themes/default/template.php


Run the below MySQL query in the 'settings' table

-  INSERT INTO `settings` (`id`, `setting_type`, `name`, `input_type`, `options`, `is_numeric`, `show_editor`, `input_size`, `translate`, `help_text`, `validation`, `sort_order`, `label`, `value`, `last_update`, `updated_by`)
(81, 'login', 'ad_code', 'textarea', NULL, '0', '0', 'large', '0', 'Paste your adSense Ad Code here', 'trim', 361, 'adSense Ad Code', '', '2017-08-18 22:11:00', 1),
(82, 'login', 'ad_verify', 'textarea', NULL, '0', '0', 'large', '0', 'Paste your adSense Ad Site Verification Code here', 'trim', 361, 'adSense Ad Site Verification Code', '', '2018-06-05 14:30:53', 1);

v2.6 May 30, 2018

=== Version 2.6 ===

* Improved overall email sending functionality
* Third-party plugins updated by latest versions
* Forget password email improved
* Performance improved by 25%

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/config/config.php
* application/config/ion_auth.php



* application/views/welcome.php 

* themes/admin/template.php
* themes/default/template.php
* themes/core/css/*
* themes/core/plugins/*


Run the below two queries in the 'settings' table

-  UPDATE `settings` SET `input_type` = 'input' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 80;
- UPDATE `settings` SET `show_editor` = '0' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 80;

v2.5 May 14, 2018

=== Version 2.5 ===

** Bug Resolved
* Facebook One Click Sharing (image loading error)  - RESOLVED
* Admin panel - Messages, Reports, Users listing error  - RESOLVED

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/controllers/admin/Messages.php 
* application/controllers/admin/Users.php 
* application/controllers/admin/Reports.php 

* application/views/admin/users/view.php 
* application/views/og/index.php 

* themes/default/template.php

v2.4 May 09, 2018

=== Version 2.4 ===

** Bug Resolved
* Facebook Login Error (New Facebook App Version)  - RESOLVED
* Redirect to Messages page after Login & Signup   - DONE
* Removed Buy now button from the welcome page   - DONE
* Page Design - IMPROVED

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/controllers/Auth.php 
* application/controllers/User.php 
* application/core/MY_Controller.php 
* application/libraries/Ion_auth.php 
* application/views/welcome.php 
* themes/default/template.php

v2.3 Apr 27, 2018

=== Version 2.3 ===

** Bug Resolved
* Forgot password error - RESOLVED
* Routing Error - RESOLVED

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/controllers/Auth.php 
* config/ion_auth.php 
* config/routes.php 
* libraries/Make_mail.php 

v2.2 Feb 10, 2018

=== Version 2.2.0 ===

-/-/-/- Bugs Resolved -/-/-/-
- Forgot Password error - RESOLVED
- Old MySql version compatibility - ADDED
- Language change warnings - REMOVED
- Welcome page design - RE-DESIGNED

*-*-*-*- Files Updated (For those who wanna update)*-*-*-*-

* application/controllers/auth.php 
* application/controllers/profile.php 
* application/controllers/admin/users.php 

* application/core/my_lang.php 
* application/core/my_controller.php 

* application/libraries/ion_auth.php 
* application/libraries/visits_count.php 

* application/models/ion_auth_model.php 
* application/models/notification_model.php 
* application/models/users_model.php 

* application/views/welcome.php 
* application/views/admin/users/form.php 
* application/views/admin/users/view.php 

* themes/default/template.php 

* themes/core/css/custom.css
* themes/core/css/themes/all-themes.min.css
* themes/core/css/style.min.css

* themes/admin/js/custom_i18n.js

v2.1.1 Jan 27, 2018

=== Version 2.1.1 ===

* Updated application/controllers/auth.php file. (for Facebook login error)
* Updated themes/default/template.php file. (for Facebook sharing error)

v2.1 Jan 23, 2018

=== Version 2.1.1 ===

* Updated application/config/routes.php file.

v2.1 Jan 20, 2018

=== Version 2.1 ===

** Front End Errors-
* Language change error - RESOLVED
* Page hiding after clicking on the checkbox in the Arabic language - RESOLVED
* Logo misplacing and overlay in the Arabic language - RESOLVED
* Language change error - RESOLVED
* Preloader design issue in RTL - RESOLVED
* Logout button on the top bar - ADDED
* Facebook Login issue - RESOLVED

** Admin Panel Errors-
* Error while updating user profile - RESOLVED
* All Messages showing in Reports - RESOLVED

** Installation Part
* Reduced installation steps
* Added completely 1-click installation process.

v2 Sep 25, 2017

=== Version 2 ===

** New Features Added
* Reply to feedback from registered users
* Email notification of feedbacks
* Notification on new feedback arrives

v1 Sep 19, 2017

=== Version 1 ===

** Initial release


You can email usclassiebit @ gmail. eFor any kind of support, questions or inquiries. We will get back to you within 24 hours.


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Anonymous Feedback - Get honest feedback [Nulled]
PHP Scripts » Social Networking

  • High Resolution: Yes
  • Compatible Browsers: IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
  • Files Included: JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, XML, CSS, LESS, PHP, SWF/FLV, SQL
  • Software Framework: CodeIgniter
  • Software Version: PHP 7.x, MySQL 5.x