Advisor | Consulting, Business, Finance WordPress Theme

Free Download Advisor | Consulting, Business, Finance WordPress Theme

The consultant responsive WordPress theme has powerful features and excellent design.Advisor is most suitable for corporate websites, such as financial consultants, accountants, consulting companies, insurance, loans, tax assistance, investment companies, and software companies.It is a business template that helps corporate businesses, financial companies, and IT organizations to display online. This is a fully responsive theme that has been tested on all major handheld devices.It has unlimited possibilities to help you support site development.It integrates powerful theme options, and you can modify most of the styles with just a few clicks.With the help of the included Visual Composer, you just need to drag and drop to create a website. The theme is 100% translation, and you can personalize it according to your culture.We also include rotating sliders, so you can create eye-catching sliders instantly.You can also choose from the many templates available on the slider exchange, and most importantly, if there are any issues or layout issues, we are here and we just contact you via email.Don’t wait-start your startup or update current startups!View document


Version 1.4.2 (July 29, 2019)

- Fixed: Request a call back form submit
- Fixed: mobile menu issues
- Fixed: WordPress 5.2.2 compatibility issues
- Fixed: PHP 7.2 compatibility issues
- Updated: Revolution Slider to 6.0.7 and fixed compatibility issues
- Updated: Visual Composer page builder to 6.0.5 and fixed compatibility issues


Version 1.4.1 (August 14, 2017)

- Fixed: Page Banner issue fixed
- Fixed: Responsive Issues Fixed
- Fixed: Service shortcode default text color issue fixed
- Fixed: Fatal Error on theme update fixed
- Updated: Visual composer and advisor core plugins are updated

3 heading types-Advisor currently has 3 different heading layouts to choose from.

2 Footer types-Advisor currently has 2 footer layouts to choose from.

More than 30 custom page builder elements and counts!- The page builder in Advisor contains fully customizable features to extend the more than 30 additional elements that we have hand-designed and coded for the page builder, only for Advisor!Complete blog page, portfolio, team, user subscriptions and case studies and more features!Most importantly, each element is fully customizable, only showing certain categories in the page, defining the background image, everything!

Unlimited color schemes

One-click demo data installer

WPML support

Local translation

Contact form 7 support


Including children’s themes!

5* support

main feature

  • WP 4.3+ ready and tested & 4.4+ ready & 4.5+ ready
  • One-click demo installation
  • Provide amazing visual composers for free
  • Lightning speed
  • Fully localized and translation ready
  • Awesome and eye-catching design
  • Includes Visual Composer ($34 value)
  • %100 fully responded
  • The latest bootloader
  • Parallax effect (limited to certain elements)
  • Unbegrenztes Homepage-Layout
  • SEO-friendly
  • Portfolio placements and case studies
  • Image gallery of posts and case studies
  • Filterable portfolio
  • Rich styling options
  • Contact form 7 is ready
  • Help document
  • jQuery enhancements
  • Cross-browser compatibility


Version 1.4 (August 2, 2017)

- Fixed: Default blog page issue fixed
- Fixed: Contact shortcodes fixed
- Fixed: Sub menu issue fixed
- Fixed: Mobile menu issue fixed
- Fixed: W3c validation errors resolved
- Fixed: Headers structure refined
- Updated: Revolution slider updated
- Updated: Visual composer updated

Version 1.3 (December 16, 2016)

- NEW New header style five and six are added.
- NEW Demos home four,home five and home six are added.
- NEW New testimonial styles are added.
- NEW Auto play for carosuel shortcodes added.
- IMPROVED updated contact email code to add email recipient.
- IMPROVED Presentation widgets button lanbel and URL option added.
- IMPROVED Added font color and label options in shortcodes.
- IMPROVED Updated theme translations and plugin translations.
- IMPROVED Updated Visual Composer plugin.
- FIXED VC elements alignments issues fixed and added more options to handle layout for mobiles ipads.
- FIXED Menu Drop down hover issue is fixed.
- FIXED Email content type changed to html/text to improve layout.

Version 1.2 (November 21, 2016)

- Added: header style four added { New }
- Added: Google charts shortcode
- Added: google fonts for body area and headings h1,h2,h3,h4 and h5 typography options.
- Improved: updated contact email code to add email recipient.
- Improved: header topbar color and option to enable disable top bar.
- Improved: Page loader enable/disable option in theme options.
- Improved: Add class option for shortcodes to customize layout.
- Improved: Advisor default slider auto play added.
- Improved: Footer More background color and font color options.
- Improved: updated theme translations and plugin translations.
- Fixed: Animations are fixed, animations can be enabled in theme options.
- Fixed: Email content type changed to html/text to improve layout.

Version 1.1 (November 10, 2016)

- Fixed: Contact form email issue
- Fixed: Show/hide breadcrumbs issue
- Fixed: Page banner margin issue
- Fixed: Company presentation widget text and attachment title issue
- Fixed: Footer widgets space issue when no widgets are enabled
- Fixed: "GET a quote" button label option in theme options.
- Fixed: Few missing translations are added

Released on 3rd November, 2016

- Released: Advisor | Consulting, Business, Finance WordPress Theme

Advisor | Consulting, Business, Finance WordPress Theme [Free Download]
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