Accessibility WordPress Plugin

Free Download Accessibility WordPress Plugin

Monkey Accessibility is an innovative software that can add voice, reading, and special accessibility features to your website to promote access and participation by people with dyslexia, low literacy, and visual impairments.

Our WordPress plugin adds incredible features to open your website to a wider audience. Target users with specific needs so that everyone can access your content.

Read your website aloud, use the play bar to control or click on any text on your website alone to read any text on your page aloud!

The text-to-speech engine is also multilingual and automatically detects the language on the page! We support the following languages: English, Swedish, German, Korean, Japanese and Chinese.

The text-to-speech engine uses a third-party service (talkify) that you must register for. After registering, you will get a free API key, which you can add to the settings.This will provide text-to-speech functionality directly in the plug-in.

Users can move accessibility icons and pop-up windows to any position on the screen that suits them. Click and drag the user interface to reposition it. The position remains the same when the page is refreshed!

Add a distracting free mask on the screen. Block all unnecessary content and scroll the page line by line, so you can focus on the content without feeling overwhelmed.

Click the button to activate the screen mask!

Simplify any page on our website with one click. You can control the contrast, color and text size, and print pages.

Visually impaired people have different views on screens. We provide controls to adapt your screen to the viewer’s perfect contrast and text size.Let your audience easily control how they want to view your website!

Monkey Accessibility Plugin changes the default cursor and pointer to a larger version, allowing you to browse the website easily. Never lose your position on the page again!

When hovering the mouse over active links and buttons, the large cursor will also automatically change to a large pointer!

Quick and easy installation

Just download your new plugin, extract the content and upload your new plugin. We have also included documentation in your download to help you with the installation!

If you need support, you can contact us directly on our CodeCanyon profile page using the contact form provided. Or, you can contact us by clicking on our websitehere.


Version 1.0.1 – May 2021
- Bug Fixes
- Draggable User Interface - Drag Icon and Popup
- Minor Enhancements

Version 1.0.1 – May 2020
- Talkify Support Updated
- Talkify JS and CSS updated
- Minor Enhancements

Version 1.0.0 – Jan 2019
- Plugin Launch

Accessibility WordPress Plugin [Free Download]
Accessibility WordPress Plugin [Nulled]


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